The Hunt

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The ground tore at my tired feet and bushes ripped at my matted fur. Labored breathing filled the air around me and screamed in my ears as I tore through the forest. Fire raged in my lungs and burned my throat till I could taste copper.

Yet I still ran.

Sparing a glance to my left I spotted Jacob struggling next to me. Spit foamed at the corners of his mouth as heaving pants left his muzzle. Whining lightly he stumbled over a fallen branch.

I turned my eyes forward again after making sure he could continue and tuned my ears to hear the evidence of our pursuers. Sure enough, under our struggling breaths and pounding hearts, I could hear the light patter of paws against the earthen floor.

Whining slightly in anxiety I pushed myself further picking up our pace. Glancing at Jacob I saw him stumbling under the new pressure and slowed my pace again. Fear spiked in my heart as I heard a low and powerful growl eminating from behind us.

I could feel the shift in the air before I heard the yelp of pain that came from beside me. My head shot to the side and I skid to a stop nearly running into a few trees. My eyes made it to jacobs prone figure lying in the grass whimpering as the huge Alpha towered over him. The Alphas white coat gleamed in the sunlight and he threw his massive head back in victory letting out a thundering howl.

My body shot forward as the Alphas head came back down to snarl at Jacob's wolf. Letting out a meager yelp Jacob tried to turn his body around and escape the raging Alpha Rods, but before he could, Rods lunged at Jacob and bit down onto his shoulder. A loud, crying yelp rushed out of Jacob's mouth as he struggled against Rods painful grip.

Before Alpha Rods could do more damage, my fangs sank into his shoulder, hitting his collar bone. A startled yelp left Rods muzzle and he let go of Jacob's shoulder. I shook my head side to side and yanked, tearing a chunk out  of the beasts neck. His head swung in my direction and I lept back, narrowly avoiding his searching jaws. I lunged at him again pushing my shoulder into his side and forcing him off Jacob.

Rods collapsed to the floor in surprise. Continuing my attack I lept at the prone Alpha and ripped into his side. Rods finally got over his shock and pulled his body upright. Whirling in my direction as a fierce growl left his throat and he began his counter attack.  I placed myself over Jacob, Amber and I would not let him be hurt again.

My muscles began to shake in earnest, the fatigue of years finally taking its toll. I let a growl slip past my raised lips in warning. This Alpha was messing with a seriously mad she-wolf. Rods let out a huffing laugh in mock of me and I lowered my head letting the hackles raise in response. He WOULD know that I was no one to be mocked. Especially after I tore his throat out. Amber growled in satisfied agreement and we waited to see where he would attack next.

Rods raised his head and let out a bellowing howl. The clock began. His pack would soon be joining him and that would be the end of our chance to get revenge. I lunged at his forelegs but he anticipated my move and hopped to the side following up with a rough kick to my side.

Gritting my teeth I managed to regain my footing. But Rods was already pressing the attack. I felt his teeth sink into my hind corters and the pain shot through my leg and into my hip, throbbing all throughout my body.

Whipping my front half around I scratched at his eyes with my paws, forcing him to let go of my haunches. He snarled at me and tried biting at my legs again but I lept up over him and I faced his back. I took the rare opportunity, and latched on. Crying out, he swung to and fro trying to throw me from his back. I sunk my teeth deeper into his skin and began to claw at his gigantic back.

Letting my instincts take over I waited until he swung to the right and yanked as hard as I could, causing him to lose his balance and he fell to the side in a heap. A fierce and thunderous growl left my lips and I paused in surprise. ' Let me  take over Cadence, it's my turn' Amber growled in my mind.

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