Chapter 11

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"Luna!!!" A voice echoed which felt like it came from miles away.
"Luna!! Wake up!"

I finally opened my eyes so wide and looked to see who was shouting my name, it was Noah. I looked around and noticed I'm in my clothes underneath the blanket. Was it just a dream? Well in that case nightmare? It felt too real to be a nightmare..
I looked up at Noah who was making me a glass of water.
"Noah once you've made me a drink could you please give me some alone time? I really need it" I yawned as he nodded back.

He handed me the water and smiled leaving my room. As I sat up leaning on the bed frame, I took one sip of water and then all the memories came at me all at once.
"Simon did actually rape me." I whispered to myself in fear with tears filling my eyes. My hands where shaking whilst the glass of water was in one. I spilt a bit of water accidentally but out of frustration for what he did to me, I gulped all the water down at once and threw the glass at the wall which smashed everywhere.
Wiping my tears off my face, I ran straight to the bathroom and puked in the toilet for almost 5 minutes I assume. He made me feel physically sick. All the food I ate yesterday, which was barely any, just left my system all at once.

Once I finished, I stood up in agony and turned to the sink which also had a mirror in front. I wiped my mouth with tissue and then bent down to wash my face with cold water. It felt like it was calming me, but as I stood back up looking at the mirror, I saw Simon in the mirror too behind me smirking evilly.
I shrieked and turned as quickly as I could to look at him behind me but he wasn't actually there, I was just seeing things.
"No no no no no I cannot face him today I just can't" I panicked walking back and forth.

I took one look of the mirror before screaming slightly and punching it which made it smash a little but it still managed to stay up.
"Ouchh! Fuck sake." I grabbed some tissue and took out the glass bits in my hand then wrapped it with the tissue.

Minutes go by and I'm still in my bedroom just thinking. I really should stop thinking. I grabbed jeans and a tank and just put it on as quickly as I could but something fell. It was the walkie talkie Rick gave me. I picked that up and put it in my pocket which wasn't noticeable.
Walking down the stairs I didn't see Simon which was good but Negan was there talking to the people in the canteen.
I just rolled my eyes and headed straight towards the door leading to outside. I really needed some air.

I started walking slowly through the grass and saw a bench facing me which no one was around. I sat down and took a sip of my water from my flask.
It is so peaceful here. I'd come and sit here most of the time when I'm free, which right now? I'm not but I don't care. I reached out my hand and grabbed the walkie talkie from my pocket.

"I wonder if he could speak now.." I turned it on and held on the button letting me speak.
"Hello.. is anyone there?" I waited for an answer which almost seemed ages until I heard a deep crackling voice replying back.

"Hi.. who's this?"
"I'm Luna.. You don't sound like Rick?" I asked confusingly itching my head.
"You know Rick?"
"Yes I was the girl that came to Alexandria that day with Negan." I clarified.

He paused. I'm guessing he was thinking of an answer to reply with. But instead of me waiting, I continued to talk.
"What's your name?" It was still quiet which by now left me feeling awkward. Until he broke the silence..

"How do you know Rick?" I questioned sitting up slightly.
"I am in his group, I have been since the start of this shit."

I seemed intrigued by this guy. I mean, not in a romantic way at all I just find it confusing why I didn't see him there. He could've been considering I don't know what he looks like. I took a deep breath before pressing the button to speak again.
"Was you there when I was at Alexandria with Negan?"
"Nah, I was hunting with a friend. Anyway, how come Rick gave you this walkie talkie huh?" He asks changing the subject a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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