Chapter 7

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" Rick!! Stop!!!" I laughed as he starts to tickle me even more.
" And why would I stop?" He sarcastically smiled as I pushed him to the side of the bed. I then took over him swinging myself on top of him. He laughed in defeat as I began to tickle on his chest.
" Stop! I'm not even ticklish." He moaned like a child.
" Stop lying." I giggled changing my tickles to touches.

He pushed my closer to him leaving my lips on his. " I'm not losing this race." He laughed kissing me smoothly. I jumped off him and raced to the kitchen. I realised he was faster than me but I got a head start. After years of losing, I finally won. I raised both of my arms in the air in celebration.

" Yes!!!!" I shouted. Out of nowhere, Rick pushed me slightly and tickled under my arms.
" I guess it's your lucky day Luna." He laughed kissing my forehead.

" Luna wake up!" Noah said nudging me over and over until I finally co-operated.
I moaned and itched my head. Sitting up, I realised the time.
" You're late for your job!" He panicked pulling the blanket off me.

Today I had food sectioning which was pretty boring. I got changed ready and walked straight to the food station.
" You're not having breakfast?" Noah followed.
" Not hungry." I yawned reaching my destination.
I saw Simon was sitting next to my part of the job. Great, just what I needed. I waved goodbye and walked into the room regretting why I still haven't left this place already.

" What do you want for breakfast?" Rick asked pointing out the options.
" Wow! I win a race down the stairs and now you're cooking breakfast?" I laughed pretending to be shocked.
" Heyyyyy..." he moaned grabbing my hip pulling me next to him gently.

I finally pointed to what I wanted for breakfast which was pancakes with honey.
He smiled and pulled my face to his. He kissed me as slowly as possible like we have all the time in the world to. He then took his lips off mine and laughed silently.
" You still have morning breath?" He teased opening the pancake box.
I gasped at him taking a step back dramatically.
"Me? Maybe it's you because your too chickened to admit it!!" I laughed pointing at him.

He rolled his eyes laughing as he grabbed the oven gloves and threw them at me but luckily I flinched and ran out the door.

I walked to the boxes and started to rip them open not acknowledging that Simon was directly facing me. I new he was glaring at me from the corner of my eye which was pissing me off.
" What?" I hissed waving my hands sideways.
" You surprise me." He said putting the apples in the fruit box.
" Why?" I looked back at the box and picked up the bananas throwing them In the fruit box next to Simon.
" You and Negan." He paused hoping to see a reaction yet he did actually get one.

" You seriously think me and Negan are... oh god how disgusting are you." I new I didn't mean what I said 100% but I'm confused why I didn't. He nodded, laughing silently carrying on his job.

Minutes later, Negan bashed the door open in a serious tone. " Does somebody wanna tell me who crashed walkers at our yard?!" He yelled looking at each person here with the last to be me.
" You might wanna check with your girlfriend of yours." Simon stepped in, " She out of all of us would know about this mess." He growled turning to me smirking devilishly.
Negan didn't really hesitate to smack Simon in the face. That's when I couldn't help but let my laugh out a little.
" One , she ain't my girlfriend and two? Why would a weak little girl do such a thing." He hissed stepping away from Simon.

Wow, just as I thought Negan was changing until he calls me weak. He didn't even get any time to look at me in the eyes and say that. He just swung his bat and stormed off.
" I will find out." He added before leaving.

I finally finished my job and decided to grab some fresh air for a while. God.... when was the last time I looked at fresh roses.

" They're beautiful." I blushed grabbing the bunch of roses from him.
" Not as much as you.." he smirked leaning on the perch.
I looked at him and sighed sarcastically.
" Uh cringe." I laughed smelling the roses one last time before putting them in a vase.

We stood at the perch awhile, feeling the cold breeze on our faces. " I like standing out here." I smiled with my eyes closed peacefully.
" Me too." He whispered in his deep voice.
I opened my eyes and grabbed his hand.
" Let's go run together." I giggled dragging him down the small steps to the grass. I heard him laugh so much that he couldn't laugh anymore. We both smiled and ran holding each other's hands.

" Luna?" I heard a males voice say to me from behind.
I noticed it was Dwight. I turned back to look at the flowers silently as he came over leaning on the gate with me.
" What are you doing out here?" He asked noticing I was down.
" I just needed some air." I muttered breathing a deep breath out.

I waited in silence with him just counting the petals of each rose in my head, Until something hit me.
" Am I weak?" I ask for reassurance.
" Uhh no...why?" He started to feel concerned as he placed his hand on my back.
" Oh... no reason." I lied leaning off the gate slowly walking back until Dwight stopped me.

" I know how you feel Luna." He took a step closer as I turned to face him.
I just nodded and walked back inside with no interruptions this time just Dwights worried expression on his face.

Later on, I stayed in my room... thinking. Thinking how Negan talked to me all last night which I think meant nothing. How could he say those things then call me weak. I don't know why I couldn't stop thinking about him. But I couldn't stop thinking about how he treated the people In Alexandria. Speak of the devil.

" What do you want?" I moaned looking away from him.
" I want you to get the hell out of bed and do something." He moaned back realising I'm not very happy today.
"The therapist isn't happy I see.." he sighed taking a step closer.

I stood up to face him and pointed furiously.
" You think this is funny? Calling us women weak!" I growled stomping towards the door.
" I didn't think you'd care." He smirked turning to face me.

I sighed and opened the door. " Your a fool to think I don't care." I spat before I walked out in a hurry.

It was month later when me and Rick wasn't going on well. We both felt sorry for each other.
" Luna.." he muttered. " it's okay, we both have to go our ways of life." I added rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

" I still love you." He sobbed putting his forehead on mine " Of course you do. I still love you and I'll always will." I smiled with tears in my eyes.
I new we were drifting apart. We were spending more time working than with each other.
I took a huge deep breath before saying..

" We'll meet again some day Rick." I gave him a small slow kiss before getting all my stuff together and leaving. I took one look at Rick who was bursting in tears silently as I was too. I new this was to happen.

It was late at night and everyone was finally in bed sleeping or reading books. It was time I finally done what I most wanted.

To leave.

Twisted Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon