The Team's Sins

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As he walked to school, that song that he sung to Hinata a couple of days ago rung in his ears. The lyrics seemed perfect, but he honestly had no idea where the song came from.

Instead of visiting Hinata on that dreary Monday morning, he decided to go to school. Mainly for volleyball practice. He wanted to spend every second of every day with Hinata, but he had managed to convince him to start going to volleyball practice at least. For him.

After 2 hours of English, which almost killed him off honestly, he reluctantly walked into the gym. Scenes of his past started to play before his eyes, memories of the times when everything was normal again. Swallowing down a lump in his throat, he took a deep breath in and placed his school bag on the floor with a thump.

The only other person in the gym with him was Tanaka, who was spiking a ball off the wall when he walked in. Tanaka soon realised that Kageyama was in the room with him and dropped the ball.

"Hey Kageyama. Nice of you to join us today!" Tanaka intended for this to sound like a joke, however Kageyama's current mental state didn't see it as that, but rather a genuine jab at him. He furrowed his brow, and began to practice on his own.

Confused, Tanaka took a couple of steps towards him, and set the ball to himself and the wall.

"How's Hinata do-"

"Don't." Kageyama stopped him and caught the ball which had rebounded off the wall and back to him at a ferocious speed.

He hadn't forgotten how Tanaka had acted all those months ago. He hadn't forgiven him. In fact, he hated him. There was no need for him to have been that cruel, even Tsukishima wasn't that bad on that day. It wasn't just him either; while it seemed to them that Kageyama was being normal with them, he instead kept all of the hatred he felt towards them inside. The only one he didn't hate was Suga, the only other person on the whole team to have shown Hinata kindness.

"Uh...alright then." Tanaka muttered underneath his breath.

Kageyama could practically feel steam racing from the pit of his stomach and out his ears and nose. This was the first time him and Tanaka had been together alone since that day, and an anger which he presumed had been extinguished bellowed again in the depths of his soul.

Acting on instinct, Kageyama dropped the volleyball he was holding and punched Tanaka square in nose, sending blood flying everywhere. He shook his hand slightly by his side, his nostrils flaring like a furious bull's.

"H-hey Tobi, I-" Tanaka began before he was interrupted again by Kageyama.

Looking down at the sorry sight of Tanaka holding a hand to his nose to try to prevent any dripping onto the floor and his body slightly shaking in fear (or with anger too), everything that he had been keeping inside came spewing out.

"You do NOT get to call me Tobi!! Nobody on this goddamn team does! You're all a bunch of lowlife nobodies with no talent whatsoever in your field, so you have to take out all your pent up insecurities on a terminally ill kid who was supposed to be your friend! It's sick! Especially you, Tanaka. You are sick. Look at you. What a delinquent mess! To think, Hinata actually looked up to you and what did he get in return?! Some jeering comments and a quick giggle on the side of the court?! Pathetic!! You haven't even come to visit him once! NOT ONCE TANAKA! He's been sitting in that same fucking bed for months on end and the only people that have come to see him are me, Suga and Tsukishima, for god sake! Everyday he asks why none of you come and I'm the one having to make excuses for all you sorry bastards! Why me?! Why him?! Oh god, why fucking him?!"

He couldn't stop himself from falling to floor, leaning against the wall and tucking his head in his knees, and letting out a blood-curdling wail.

Tanaka sat there, still in shock from the punch, and simply stared in shock at Kageyama. His nose was dripping with blood, and his head pounded from when his skull rebounded off the floor, but at that moment he didn't care. He knew that he deserved it.

Instead, Tanaka shuffled beside Kageyama and wrapped an arm around him, his body violently shaking after every scream he let out. Kageyama accepted the arm. It seemed all his anger was gone, and was instead replaced with an unforgiving sadness that could not be ceased, and so he was willing to accept compassion from anyone at that moment.

"I know, Kageyama. I'm so incredibly sorry for what happened on that day. If I had any idea it was because of something that serious I...I would've never..." Tanaka's voice trailed off as tears began to form in his eyes, and he quickly placed a hand over his face to try and cover it up.

Kageyama turned his head to Tanaka. The skinhead was now quietly sobbing into his hand, and that was enough to quench any anger that Kageyama had left within him.

"Come on. Let's sort out your nose. Sorry about that by the way." Kageyama said softly, standing up and offering a hand to Tanaka.

He chuckled slightly, wiping away any tears that were left on his face and politely accepting his still shaking hand.
"Don't worry about it. That was one heck of a punch though."

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