Chapter 2

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I'm going to ignore whatever that was with Mr. Armsberg because that's all I could do. Get over it.

I opened the door to the room and was greeted with a luxurious room that was already set up. This place looks more like a master bedroom set up for couples; it was so huge. The walls were painted in a Cosmic Latte color, giving me a relaxed feel, but my eyes immediately landed on the king-size bed in the middle of the room; it was spotless and free of any wrinkles, with no sign that someone was there. The room looked so clean that I was afraid to touch anything for fear that I would ruin it. But that bed.

I wasn't even excited to look around right now, my eyes were droopy, and I was very sleepy. After that 17-hour car ride, I needed to lie down and rest my eyes for a few minutes— or hours.

I quickly took off my sweatpants and the oversized white t-shirt I had on, leaving me in my comfortable boyshorts underwear. I was about to pull off my sports bra when my stomach started growling. "Ughhhh" It's now that I realize that I haven't eaten for the last 5 hours.

Even though this isn't my house, I don't care; I'm gonna get something to eat. So I put my clothes back on, grabbed my phone, and exited the room. What can I say? I am a fat ass; when I need to eat, I gotta eat. I was planning on taking the elevator, but I wanted to familiarize myself with the floor, so I started jogging down the stairs. I made it down to the second floor panting and sweating.

Seriously, why am I so fat? All I did was climb down a few stairs and look at me, gasping as if I were running a marathon. I leaned on the stair railing catching my breath, my eyes scanned the area, and I froze when they landed on a set of green eyes. Her long brown hair flowing reached down to her waist. She wore a one-piece black leather spandex jumpsuit, showing off all her flawless curves. Her eyes were on me as she walked closer to me with a big smile on her face.

"Hii," She said, waving at me excitedly. "You're Sierra, right? How are you? You probably don't recognize me, but it's me, Isabel." I honestly didn't hear a word she said as I zoned out, watching her stunning face.

Isabel, the only girl I've ever had a crush on, How could I ever forget such a pretty face? I could never. I didn't notice that I was zoning out for that long until she started waving her hands in front of me. I must look like a floating lovesick puppy right now. Snap out of it, Sierra. You look so stupid, I screamed in my head.

"Huh, I'm sorry, what? I didn't hear you," I semi-yelled out. Ohmygod way to go, Sierra; you've made a complete fool out of yourself. She started giggling. "You're so adorable," she stated, and I couldn't help admiring her pretty smile.

"What are you doing out here?" she said, grabbing the railing and approaching me. My heart was beating so fast that I thought it would pop out of my chest from seeing her so close to me.
"Uh, I was hungry and came out for food." I managed to stay without stuttering... that much. "Yeah, come on, I'll show you the kitchen." She signaled her hand for me to follow her, and I did, no questions asked. At this point, I think I would literally follow her anywhere.

"Yeah, looks like we're going to the same college," Isabel chirped in face happily. "Are you excited?"

"Not really; I mean, I'm excited that you're gonna be there but not excited for the school part. I get shy around strangers."

"Aww, don't worry, I'll be there with you; everyone is actually really friendly over there. That school has a very good reputation" Now that she said that, I feel a little bit at ease. I don't know why I get so scared when it comes to strangers.

For the rest of the evening, Isabel and I spent the whole time together, catching up and making plans for the school year. When I finally checked my phone, I was shocked to find out. It was about 9 pm.
"Why does time always pass by fast when we're having fun," Isabel said with a pout on her face. I chuckled at her cute yet sexy behavior.

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