Chapter 5 - Playtime

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Alessia's POV:

Theo did not join me in the bathtub, but he sat next to me, put shampoo in my hair, brushed it and cleaned my body.

It felt lovely, feeling so cared for, so protected by my daddy.

Also, this had all turned out a little different than I had thought it would. From the moment I stepped through the door yesterday, I had expected to have sex. A lot.

I was on the pill and we had both taken tests to make sure we were clean, so why was he not making a move?

I thought that he would lose no time to check if he would like my body, to sleep with me, to be his plaything.

This was different. Good different. He gave me time to adjust to my situation, he asked for my consent and he asked me for my opinions. My last boyfriend had hardly done that.

But Theo was not my boyfriend, he was my daddy and if I could truly believe him, he would take care of me.

After the bath he had helped me with my hair, which was usually a mess because of the curls, and had helped me get dressed in that outfit that he had picked. I liked it, it looked cute and was comfy.

Now, we were back in my room, my hair still slightly wet, Theo standing behind me.

What was I supposed to do now? Would he tell me? Would...we have sex now?

"OK princess, now that you are all clean and pretty, I will let you try out the toys I bought you. Go and open the box over there." He pointed to it. "And take anything you like."

So this was the part where I had to figure out what kind of age I wanted to be in during headspace.

I had liked the idea when I had heard about it the first time, when I had read things on the forums from other Littles, from others that enjoyed this lifestyle.

It would give me a chance to go back to a time when things were easier, more simple and less stressful. My life, my adult life, had been a mess for years now.

I wanted to be open for this new experience. I wanted to try it, Theo would not judge but help me find out what I liked and disliked. He would be there for me.

Walking over to the box made me get excited. I hadn't taken a look yesterday, hadn't paid attention to the wooden box. What would be inside?

I opened the lid and found dozens of toys in different colours, forms and shapes. Some of them I recognized, like Legos, puzzles and two different dools.

Others I had never seen before, or not in a long time. Some kind of stacking toy with a few pieces, pattern blocks, a cute teddy bear and a little car.

I heard Theo move behind me, and a few seconds later there was the sound of music. Kids music. Not too loud, but loud enough so I could hear it clearly.

For the moment, I did not care if he was watching me or not, I was focused on the toys.

Which one should I pick?

I went with the safest option first - the Legos. I knew what to do with them.

So I layed them out in front of me and started playing, humming along with the music, spreading my legs over the carpet on the floor.

But after only a few minutes, I found that the Legos were quite boring. Too much to think about.

I needed something else, something easier. Something that could make me daydream, keep me away from my bad thoughts and make me...slip?

Did people call it that? Slipping into headspace? I was not sure.

I put the Legos back and took out a cute blanket that I had not seen before. It was green and fluffy, so comfortable when I pressed it against my cheek.

Starting to rub it over my face, I forgot where and who I was, just for a while. I layed there on the ground with my new favourite blanket, holding it close to me, never wanting to let go.

This was nice.

After I don't know how long I felt kind of sleepy, being fed and freshly showered, it felt so good just putting my head on the floor, the blanket under me. I yawned and bit my lip, before yawning once again.

While I was so comfy, eyes closed, half asleep, I felt a hand stroking my head gently, whispering sweet nothings into my ear, making me smile.

"Daddy", I heard myself say before getting lost in my dreams.

When I woke up, the sunlight was different. Time had gone by. I did not know how much, but it was for sure not morning anymore.

I sat up and looked around, I was still in my room, but Theo was not here. I was alone.

Standing up, I washed the drool from my face, embarrassed and hoping Theo had not seen it. That he had been long gone when I had started drooling. It had been a good sleep for sure.

A sound coming from downstairs and checking, I found Theo in the living room, sitting at a table next to the wall and typing something into his computer.

He must have heard me coming, because not long after I had entered the room he had stood up to greet me, hugging me and giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"How did you sleep, princess?" He put his hand in my now dry hair. It smelled good from the shampoo. Strawberries.

"It was nice", I answered, "I feel refreshed."

He looked at me, waiting for something more and once I understood, I added a "Daddy".

"I'm glad to hear that, I enjoyed seeing you play and you slept for so long I even got some work done. Let's go and take a walk around the neighbourhood, alright? Let's get some fresh air."

And we did just that. He showed me around his neighbourhood and bought me a sandwich for lunch, since I had slept till two, all while never letting go of my hand.

When we were back at home, he sent me upstairs to play again so he could finish his work for the day.

I took my nice green blanket and started playing with a doll, not feeling as silly as I had thought I would.

I think...I could start to really like it.

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