How the Turn Tables

38 4 0

CW // Mentions of tr*nsphobia, K*lvin G*rrah and Bl*ire Wh*te

So uhhhhh I have a confession

I used to be a stan for both Kalvin Garrah and Blaire White because they were the most knowledge I was getting of being trans from actual trans people

So I was a VERY adamant transmed, I also identified as cis at the time which makes it even worse

Thank GOD I didn't have a social media platform back then, because if I did, whoo boy

Eventually, once the drama stuff started, I found sources that informed me that all that stuff was hateful and wrong, so I stopped.

Looking back, I'm ashamed of that time, because the opinions I held were just eugh, and I was also dealing with a lot of internalized transphobia, but I also find humor in the irony because now I'm genderfluid and I use both it/its and several neopronoun sets, not to mention I commit the HEINOUS crime of occasionally wearing dresses and being comfortable looking femme, so I'm literally what those people would define as a transtrender. I, for one, am owning it.

(Also I don't mean to say that all transmeds are bad people or they're bigots, I just held very extremist transmed views that were genuinely harmful to both myself and others so I'm glad I got out of that mindset, anyways have a great day)

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