So Uhhhh

34 4 7

So I kind of had a crush on this girl I have biology with, I thought she seemed really cool and she looks like she belongs in an 80's movie, She's really pretty

Anyways one day she was wearing a shirt that said "Gender is a social construct" and I thought "Oh, pog :D"

And so I told her I liked her shirt and she said thank you, and internally for a second I was like "YES" because I was finally actually talking to her

And then she turned to her friends and said "GeNdEr Is A sOcIaL cOnStRuCt" in a mocking tone to her friends and they all laughed. Then I realized she was wearing it ironically. I thought "Oh, not so pog. :'D" (I should mention that I'm only out to a very small group of people at school, her not included. I present myself as a cis girl to most of the student populous.)

And so I just... felt too afraid to speak to her again because every single person I've ever spoken to who detests the idea of gender being a social construct also thinks genderfluidity is fake, and I haven't really spoken to her since.

I also realized that she kind of likes to make fun of people, so due to both that and just natural progression, any attraction I had to her is pretty much gone.

So yeah that kind of sucks, I'm not too upset about it, though.

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