Chapter 3: Neverending Dreams

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It's dark, it's so dark.

I can't see, help, help, help-

I walk into their room, my parents room. It's so cold, why is it so cold? The blinds are shut, the door is creaking open, and the bed's white silk drapes are blood red. It's everywhere, on the drapes, the floor, leading somewhere and then it just stops.

"Mama? Papa?" I say quietly, like I might wake them up.

My footfalls are so small and dragging in the red substance, what is is?


"Papa? I'm back from my adventure, I want to tell you about it...." My voice is so small and childish.

I keep walking, closer and closer to their sleeping bodies. The walk from the door to the bedside seems like forever, seconds, minutes, minutes, days, years. Step by step, I get closer and closer to their silenced states. Why aren't they waking up and hauling me into their arms for kisses and hugs?

Are they mad at me?

No, no no no, please I don't want to remember this. Not again, please no.

Then I'm there, outside of my body looking down at the 8 year old girl with dark hair the shade of dark brown with hints of light brown. Her eyes so gray they almost seem to melt. Her lips full and soft even while they're quivering, the eyes that hold so much life seeming to drown in emotion. Her tiny, slim and straight nose beginning to sniffle.

"Mama, Papa, please wake up!"

She's looking down at them, they seem so peaceful. Until the 8 year old little Mara begins to realize what has happened. They weren't sleeping, they were- they were-

They were dead. Mara's parents were dead and were never going to wake up again.

Someone is screaming, is it her? She doesn't know anymore, she doesn't know what is real and what is her imagination. Except it is all real and none is imagination, it is Mara's screams that break through the silence and that reflects her shattering heart.

Her parents throats slit, blood was everywhere, who did this?

The screams were now words, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up wake up wake up-"

"Wake up!" A man's voice.

And Mara startles awake to see a man blocking out the view of the entire world and screaming at her to wake up.

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