Chapter 27

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Eisa was surprised when Cami lunged forward and pulled Klaus into a hug.

She was even more surprised when her brother patted the blonde's back, in a comforting manner.

"Is that Mikael?" said Cami, looking down at the ground. "Is he...?"

"He's still alive," said Klaus. "In complete and utter agony. I decided to take your advice and keep him that way."

Before Eisa could ask what that meant, Klaus picked Mikael's body up, carrying him to his car. He popped the trunk of his SUV before dropping the body inside, and closing the trunk door.

Cami moved inside where Kaleb Westphall was tending to Davina, who was still out cold.

"Sister." Eisa looked up, seeing Elijah had found her in the park where she was relaxing after a day of modeling. "Could we perhaps take a walk?"

Eisa figured that there was more of that Cure business to discuss. "What is it now? Did Nik finally explain why he wants that thing so bad?"

"Well... no."

"I still think he wants to just get rid of it. He knows how badly Rebekah wishes to have it. If she takes it, she'll grow old and eventually die. She'd be leaving him permanently, and he couldn't handle that."

"Eisa, there is a different matter we need to discuss."

She didn't move from her seat. "What is it, Elijah?"

He offered her his hand. "Come with me."

"No," she said firmly. "Not until you tell me what you're here for."

"Sister, this isn't the place—"

"What happened, Elijah?"

"Kol is dead."

Eisa had thrown up in the nearest trashcan, all the food she'd just eaten returning back up from the shock. Elijah held her steady, brushing her hair back to keep it from getting dirty. He pulled a handkerchief from his chest pocket, handing it to her. She covered her mouth before staring up, eyes watery.

"Tell me it isn't true," she whispered, hoping this was all a terrible joke. "Tell me..."

"To tell you it isn't true, would be to lie to you," said Elijah, taking her hand. "Niklaus has informed me that he is trapped in the Gilbert home for the foreseeable future, with Kol's body. I'd like for you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls to retrieve the ashes."

"Not until you explain what the bloody hell happened. How is Kol dead?"

"If I say it to you, you will act rashly, and enact your revenge."

"So be it! Whoever killed Kol deserves to be dead!"

"Sister, I cannot—"

"It was them, wasn't it? It was Elena Gilbert and her little friends."

"It was Jeremy Gilbert. Yes. Eisa, I implore you, don't—"

"Why did he do it, Elijah?"

"My understanding is that he intended to complete his Hunter's Mark, but—"

"So I can't kill him, or I'll be cursed. Fine. Elena will have to do. He took my brother from me, I'll take his sister from—"

Elijah seized her arms before she could speed off. "You will do no such thing. You're trembling, Eisa. Please, let us return to your apartment."

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