5. On the verge of an outbreak

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"Fluke, I need to go to the basic components factory on the other side of town! It's urgent!", Ohm said getting into the car.

"You can leave it to me!", the driver replied without blinking.

That week was hectic over the launch of a new company product, but it appeared he was having some issues. Thus, there were many comings and goings that the CEO made between one place and another, always led by Fluke and motivated by his perfectionist trait.

The driver was within the speed limit, but surely the maneuvers he was performing could make him lose his driver's license if caught by a police officer. His luck ended at an intersection very familiar to the occupants of that car.

The sudden braking and the guy who came screaming out of his car also awakened their memories. It was like having déjà vu. When the man knocked twice on the driver's window, it woke them from their reverie.

"Can I help you with something, sir?", Fluke asked, showing his brilliant smile and leaving the guy perplexed.

"Err… W-well… Y-you…", the man stuttered.

Ohm watched with a mixture of jealousy and understanding. He understood all too well the effect of that elf smile on a person, but he also felt a twinge of unease about it. He sighed and got out of the car.

"Is there any problem?", Ohm asked approaching the guy.

"Ah! Your driver almost hit my car!", the guy complained.

"And?", Ohm challenged.

"And that could have caused an accident, dammit!"

"Yes, sorry about that, please.", Ohm said as he fished his cell phone out of his pocket and took a picture of the driver and the license plate of the car still poorly parked on the street.

"Hey, what are you doing?", the guy demanded.

"Just a moment, please!", Ohm asked, raising his index finger in front of the impatient guy.

Moments later, his phone vibrated with the arrival of the message he needed.

"It's in the DMV's data system that you have several overdue fines. Also, you've already lost so many points in your driver's license that you could end up losing your it if I call the Police to sort it out!", Ohm informed in a steady tone that sounded threatening.

The man began to shake a lot and not knowing what to do.

"Sir?", Fluke called the driver as he got out of the car. "I'm sorry for my recklessness, but since everything is fine and no one got hurt, can we just go on our way? Please?"

Ah, there was that sweet tone and the elf look that always got anything he wanted, Ohm thought to himself as he watched the guy lose his composure once and for all, go back to his car and leave as if nothing had happened.

"Can we go now?", Fluke turned to Ohm and flashed the same smile he had given the driver.

"You know, I hired a driver to take me to the places I need, but I didn't think one of them would be for the psychiatrist!"

"How so?", Fluke frowned in confusion.

"I must have developed about 3 types of trauma since I met you Fluke Natouch! You drive me crazy!", the CEO ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Ah… In this case, maybe it's better if I resign?", the driver made an adorable pout that softened the CEO's heart.

"Don't you dare say that if you don't want to add more years of therapy to what I already need, please!", Ohm commented when he noticed that Fluke's uniform looked disheveled. In fact, even though the accident was avoided and the fight ended, the situation itself was stressful enough that it was visible under the laughter that bewitched everyone. Ohm reached out with his hands and began to straighten the clothes of the man in front of him. He fixed his cuffs, straightened his tie, and fixed the strands of curly hair that threatened to fall over his big brown eyes.

"There, you look minimally presentable now…", Ohm said after getting satisfied with his work.

"I'm not a child, you know? I could have done it myself!", Fluke replied, intemperate.

"I know! Now let's go!", Ohm said taking Fluke's hand and walking with him towards the car.


Arriving at the factory, Ohm and Fluke faced a new problem: the CEO wanted his driver to enter the meeting room with him, which was against the place's rules, as the agenda for the meeting involved topics protected by industrial secrecy.

"But sir, he's just your driver, why should he go into the meeting room?", the person in charge asked again. If it had been Prem, a person they knew and because of the position he occupied, he also had an obligation to keep the matter confidential, the guy would have released the boy's entry. But he was just the driver!

"No him, no me too!" Ohm said in a definite tone that made him sound a lot like a 3-year-old when they hear the word "no" to one of their desires.

Meanwhile, Fluke felt more like a tomato with each passing second. During all that discussion, the CEO had one hand intertwined with the driver's and refused to let go, in a way to convey to the others the image that they were an inseparable combo.

Finally, the "Iron CEO" did justice to his nickname and managed to get Fluke to attend the meeting sitting next to him at the head of the table. The only way to make Ohm relax was by knowing Fluke was safe and sound. Apparently, this also meant that the boy must be within his eyesight.


"Fluke? Fluke? Flukeee~!", Ohm was trying to get the other's attention as they walked across the parking lot.

"You shouldn't have done that, Ohm!", the boy got tired, finally, and decided to say what was bothering him. Although the meeting flowed well, Fluke felt uncomfortable inside that room, it was not his place to be at that moment and the fact that the CEO had forced it made him feel even more ashamed.

"I'm sorry, Fluke… I'm just afraid something might happen to you…", Ohm said, stopping and lowering his head. Literally like a child when they feel guilty about something.

Fluke sighed and walked back a few steps to where his boss had stopped. He lightly tugged at the man's suit sleeve to get his attention. He finally lifted his head to meet the driver's gaze.

"I appreciate you worrying, but I can take care of myself, okay?", Fluke felt himself turning red again and hardly knew the reason why this time.

"So… will you forgive me?", Ohm asked for confirmation.

"If you promise not to do it again, I will." Fluke finally gave one of his bright signature smiles.

"I promise! I promise! I promise!", Ohm repeated as he hugged his private driver's narrow waist, almost lifting him off the floor effortlessly. The action made Fluke's face even redder. It looked like working for that CEO would could lead him to the verge of an outbreak.

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