10. Backseat activities

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Ohm was sitting in the backseat of the limo and sitting on his lap he had a very nice company: Fluke Natouch. The boy was panting, but he seemed insatiable, completely given over to his caresses.

"We can't take too long!", Fluke whispered, his voice husky with the desire to prolong the moment.

"We won't, love!" Ohm promised. It was a lie.

As the two men lost themselves in sensation with hands probing each other's bodies and intertwined tongues dueling for dominance, they ended up forgetting the main reason they'd come this far. Luckily, a knock on the vehicle window brought them back to reality and they quickly tried to redo their hairstyles and straighten their suits. They left the vehicle trying to appear calm, but their state revealed their recent activities and the person who had knocked on the window made sure to show that he knew that.

"If I didn't know this is your wedding, I'd tell you to behave yourselves!", Boun commented after a quick look at the state of the grooms who seemed to have passed in the middle of a tiger fight, which wasn't exactly wrong. 

"I didn't see you better behaved than that when I caught you making out with Prem in the copy room!", Fluke accused, trying to straighten his own tie.

"Hey, wait! Did you see that? Looks like the kitten has claws after all!", Boun teased.

"What are you talking about?" Ohm asked lost in the talk. He was still the CEO of the company after all.

"Oops, and he has a scary boyfriend too!" Boun walked away from the couple pretending to be busy with something on his phone.

"It's nothing to worry about, love!", Fluke said changing the topic and starting to straighten Ohm's tie, but remembering to respond to Boun with a "And he's not my boyfriend, Boun! It's my future husband!"

"Are you ready? They're asking if we can get started!", Boun returned to inform the couple.

"Ready?", Ohm asked, offering his arm.

"If you are!", Fluke replied, putting his arm through his lover's.

Soon classical music was heard by everyone and the grooms entered through the portal that had been set up the day before. The wedding ceremony was simple and cosy. Held in the Ritprasert mansion's garden, by Fluke's request, who wasn't used to large expenses even if his future husband was willing to pay for the most expensive church or the most popular hotel room for this type of event.

Fluke wanted to keep it simple: a few guests, just his close friends and a few relatives (Ohm's, since he was an orphan himself) and a few more important business partners because he knew how important that was and the main thing, of course, with the two exchanging vows of eternal love with eyes blurred by tears. Ohm took immense pleasure in offering all this to the beloved. If he could, would also give him the sun, moon and stars as a wedding gift.

"Fluke Natouch, one day I told you that I had hired a driver to take me to the places I intended to go, but it turns out that my destination was at your side and I thank you every day for that. I love you and I want to spend all the days until the end of my life by your side!", Ohm said as he placed the ring on the thin finger of his beloved who was about to dissolve into tears and sobs.

"Ohm, you are so much more than a gift that heaven gave me. You can be sure that I will do my best to give you all the happiness in the world until the end of our days! I love you so much too!", Fluke promised putting the ring in the big hand of his, now husband, and then throwing himself in his arms for a kiss.

The guests laughed at the spontaneity of the newlyweds and applauded with relish when they finally broke apart and turned to greet everyone like an official couple. Soon afterward, they sat at the designated table and began sipping drinks and enjoying the food served.

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