12. Trophy husband

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"You don't listen to the things I say and you don't understand me!", Fluke shouted, hugging his own body as if to keep himself from breaking into a thousand pieces.

"Fluke, don't say that! Baby, let's talk!", Ohm begged, his voice cracking with the pain he felt.

“I'm tired of talking to you, Mr. Iron CEO! No one deserves to live under the same roof as someone so cold!”, he pointed an accusing finger in the man's direction.

Around them, party guests gathered to witness the most talked about couple's fight in weeks. No one believed what they were watching because the gossip circulating was that Ohm and Fluke were an envious couple and that they loved each other above all else. So where was that fight coming from?

"I give up trying!", Fluke said, turning around.

"What do you mean, love?", Ohm asked, one arm hovering in the air as if he didn't know if he was reaching for his husband or if he reached down and let him go.

"Don't come after me!", Fluke threatened and walked down the street without looking back.

Instantly, flashes of light began to pop. The nasty press would have good topics the next morning.


A few days before the party...

Getting back from the honeymoon to the office routine required a huge effort from the newlyweds. Ohm went to the office every day and Fluke stayed at home finishing organizing his little move.

When he finished arranging the clothes in the spacious closet, Fluke looked down at his own ring on his finger and felt a sudden longing for his husband. Because of that, he decided to pay a visit and invite Ohm to lunch.

Not to his surprise, when Fluke arrived at the CEO's office, Prem informed him that the man was in a meeting on the phone. So he decided to wait while talking to his husband's assistant who was still as pleasant as ever. It was nice to see that certain things never changed.

Soon after, who also arrived was Boun.

"Hey, hey, hey! Look who showed up for a visit! We miss you, huh!", Boun joked after giving Prem a peck, who turned red as a tomato after the public display of affection.

"You still see me almost every day, Boun!", Fluke rolled his eyes at his friend's comment.

"Ah, but it's different from seeing you here and…", but Boun didn't finish the sentence because Fluke was kidnapped.

Strong arms imprisoned the slender body and captured his mouth, preventing him from speaking. It was Ohm who had come out of the office and taken his husband's body in a tight hug and a surprised kiss. Both melting at each other's touch and leaving the other two men at their side embarrassed about it.

"Ah! Hi, Boun!", Ohm greeted after breaking away from the heated kiss, but not letting go of Fluke's little hand.

"Sir! I'll bring you some news on the case, if we can talk about it!", the CEO's head of private security went back to professional mode and indicated Fluke's direction with his eyes.

"There's nothing I want to hide from my husband, Boun! Let's go!", Ohm said intertwining his fingers with Fluke's and heading towards his office.

"Maybe it's a good idea!", Boun commented to himself and gave his boyfriend a wink before following behind his boss.

At least maybe they had a plan, Boun thought.


The party took place at Madame Seoul's house. The woman was known for being the owner of a very important jewelry store that had the most beautiful pieces and also the most expensive ones. Receiving an invitation to her party was confirmation of someone's status and the guarantee of meeting only the most influential people in society. Of course, the Ritpraserts were on the VIP list.

"Are you alright?", Ohm asked, lightly squeezing his husband's delicate little hand as they got out of the car in front of Seoul's house.

"I'm fine. Let's go!", Fluke squeezed the larger hand back, assuring his husband that he was okay.

The couple displayed luxury and friendliness. Wearing suits in yellow tones, some people would say it was overdone or unusual, but in them it felt right and elegant. In addition, Fluke's bright smile easily won over the people he chatted with from time to time. Even if some of them didn't deserve it.

"But did I hear you were a driver?", the woman in a hideous fur coat asked, wrinkling her nose.

"Exactly! That's how I met my husband and we fell in love!", Fluke smiled.

"But now you've become his little trophy wife, right?", a man whose skin looked like it was made of papyrus commented.

"Mr.! Mrs.!", Ohm arrived, greeting the guests who were encircling Fluke as if he was the prey. "My husband is a very talented man. That means he can be whatever he wants whenever he wants! I'm absolutely sure you'll still hear a lot about him!", Ohm said, resting a hand on Fluke's back and bringing him to his side. For which the shorter one was tenderly grateful. It was nice to have his husband's warm support at any time, especially in a situation like this.

After hearing Ohm's response, the guests who were trying to embarrass Fluke found other people to annoy and got distracted by the couple, but not for long.

"Have you greeted everyone yet?", Fluke asked, smiling.

"Yes! I'm sure everyone here knows we came to the party by now. Shall we go?"

"Of course, love!", Fluke replied sweetly.

The point is that after this brief dialogue that was witnessed by some people, no one really knows what happened. But between that moment and the point they reached the parking lot, Ohm and Fluke began to argue, not caring about where they were.

The fight attracted eyes and ears that, not content to know firsthand, were also recording the incident. Shortly thereafter, they discovered that even a live stream had been made via the Instagram profile of one of the guests.

"I can't spend my whole life depending on your fortune, Ohm!", Fluke said in a tone that revealed his tiredness.

"It's ours, love! It's our fortune!", Ohm tried to explain.

"Love, I know you feel that way and I'm really grateful for that, really! But you don't see the looks people give me…", Fluke replied lowering his head and hunching his shoulders as if feeling the weight of the judgment.

"Fuck people!", Ohm said in a louder tone.

And the discussion progressed to the point where Fluke ran out of the house where the party was being held without waiting for his husband's private car or even taking any money with him. He hailed the first taxi that passed and gave the address of the only person he could turn to at that moment.

"Thanks for paying for the taxi, Coo!", Fluke said, hugging his friend.

"I would do more for you, my angel. But what's wrong?", Cooheart asked worriedly.

That question seemed to have been enough to put the last stone on Fluke's sanity, who burst into tears.

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