8. An unexpected destiny

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The couple Ohm and Fluke decided to leave town on the upcoming holiday to enjoy the silence and privacy offered by the charming cottage that the Ritprasert family had in the mountains.

"Where are the keys, Ohm?", Fluke asked, confused after they had loaded their bags into the car and were getting ready to leave.

"I'm going to drive today! After all, I invited you and I know the way!", the CEO said, giving a smile that showed his little teeth and gave his face the aspect of a naughty boy.

"But, Ooohm~!", the boy complained.

"Nah-ah! First infraction!", the taller one said, raising a hand towards Fluke in a warning signal, just like the referee does in a football match.

"What? What do you mean?"

"It's our first trip as a couple, I'll only listen to you if you use cute nicknames or call me 'love'!", Ohm explained crossing his arms, but his jovial tone showed that it was all just a tease.

"You seem like a child sometimes, do you know that? Will I be punished if I don't call you like this?"

"No, actually you won't, but I think it's fair that I receive a kiss instead!", he replied with a pout on his lips.

"If all you want is my kisses, just ask, love!", Fluke said, getting up on his toes and kissing the taller's cheek who was instantly happy with the sweet act. "Now come on, my big baby!", he teased his boyfriend.

Apparently his talent for negotiation was valid in a relationship, Ohm thought triumphantly as he heard the cute way Fluke used to call him.

The trip was long, about 2 hours, but the vehicle's occupants were excited and relaxed. They listened to some music, shared some personal stories they found interesting, and stopped at points along the way to take pictures.

When they finally reached their destination, Fluke was enchanted by the landscape. The house was on a lane away from town and the nearest neighbor was a good 10 km away. The cottage was built entirely in wood, but the interior was not rustic at all, quite the contrary, it was the definition of luxury.

"Let's unpack our things and go for a walk, how about?" Ohm asked.

"Sounds great, O-- I mean, love!" Fluke corrected himself before forgetting what had been previously agreed.

"Good boy!", Ohm commented, stroking Fluke's head.

"Be careful, this boy here can bite you!", Fluke teased, showing his teeth and flexing his fingers in a claw shape before running to the upper floor of the property where the rooms indicated by Ohm were.

They took a quick shower and changed into warmer clothes, as the mountainous weather had cooled their bodies a bit during the trip. Then they went out for a walk around the city.

The place was small and survived mainly on tourism, which indicated that the treatment in all establishments was very cordial and that there were many people walking the streets. Even so, the couple enjoyed going into small craft stores and even a small museum that told the history of the place. Finally, after dark, they found a cozy place to eat.

As they waited for the waiter to bring their orders, Fluke found himself distracted enjoying the room decor and noticing the soft music a band played. It was then that Ohm took his chance to speak.

"Fluke, I want to tell you something, but I don't want you to feel pressured into anything, ok?", he said, reaching across the table to the boy's hand in front of him and intertwining their fingers.

The question asked in a very serious tone caught Fluke's attention who was now watching expectantly.

"I love you." Ohm spoke naturally. The words came out easily and the smile that followed them filled their hearts with a warm, comforting warmth.

"Ohm, I-I…"

"Shh, don't say anything, ok? I just want to tell you how I feel and that I'll wait until you're ready. If you ever want to say it, of course. If not, if you say I'm a rock in your shoe, the way will be to let you out of my life!", Ohm said, stroking the small hand with his thumb.

"It won't be that easy to get rid of me, love!", Fluke said, bringing his lips to Ohm's hand and kissing it softly.

Then the dishes they had ordered arrived and they enjoyed the meal which was very tasty. After that, already tired from the trip and the busy day, they went to the cottage.

As they had not yet passed that stage, Ohm made sure to stay in separate rooms so as not to send the wrong message that he was putting some kind of pressure on Fluke, but it was inevitable to notice that something in the boy's face was different. They were in the wide hallway in front of the rooms when the CEO decided to ask.

"Hey Fluke, are you sad? Are you sick? Are you tired?", the CEO asked worriedly.

"No, Ohm, the trip is amazing, YOU are amazing!"

"But?", he asked, placing his hands on the other's chubbya cheeks.

"But we belong to different worlds, you're a CEO and I'm just a driver…", Fluke closed his eyes after venting his thoughts. So that was what was worrying him.

"I'm not a CEO when I'm here with you, love…", Ohm tried to joke.

"Not here, but when we get back…"

"Fluke?", Ohm called trying to regain his focus.


"Don't think.", Ohm said softly, kissing the plump lips that seemed to fit so well in his.

"Okay, I can do that." Fluke replied when they broke apart.

The two men stared at each other for a moment, as if asking a silent question. So then Fluke took Ohm's hand in his and led him to the bedroom where he had unpacked his things. The night view from the window was beautiful, but the two of them had eyes only for each other at the moment. Undressing piece by piece, it was as if they were also removing the natural armor that life had created around their hearts. So, even though Fluke was still not able to say the 3 magic words, he was able to demonstrate how he felt and Ohm could understand very well.

After their intense activities, they ended up sleeping in each other's arms. Happy to have found each other and love each other.


Somewhere near the Ritprasert family's private cottage…

"The targets are in the designated place. I'm going to carry out the plan tonight.", the man spoke into the phone and, when he hung up, he broke the device by stepping on it and threw it into the middle of the forest. It was time to act.

My lovely driverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें