14. An old enemy

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The days passed at a frantic pace to the point where fatigue replaced the pain, and soon Fluke consoled himself by working without much thought. That's how he ended up accepting Kao's invitation to go to a party.

"Fluke, I spent a lot of time away from Thailand and you're married to my cousin, can you help me with tonight's party?", the CEO asked and the driver couldn't refuse.

The party was once again at Madame Seoul's house and Fluke felt a sinking feeling in his stomach about it. Still, he steeled himself and entered the great hall beside Kao.

They circled a bit and grabbed a glass of champagne and a non-alcoholic drink for the CEO and the driver respectively. Fluke bumped into old acquaintances from the time he'd been circling these events with Ohm, and it didn't take him long to find him.

"Fluke, can we talk?", the man asked with tempting eyes that were almost impossible to resist, but he managed to control himself.

"Ohm, you know we can't…", Fluke said simply and fled, climbing the stairs to the top floor.

Looking out at the nightscape, Fluke was trying to find the answers he needed right now, despite having no luck in that. After a long sigh, he felt his sixth sense charging his attention and right away he noticed someone approaching him. He was on the roof and apparently Seoul had decorated the space with small pebbles that made noise when being stepped on and denounced the presence of whoever was there.

"Ohm, I said I don't want to…", Fluke started to say until he turned to face whoever was behind him, but then he got a surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Did you happen to own this building, boy? As far as I know, it belongs to Madame Seoul!", the woman spoke with contempt.


Dressed in a long dress with a side slit, the garment was finished to simulate the cuffs and collar of a dress shirt, giving the look a formal and modern look at the same time. The woman's brown hair fell in curls over her shoulders and back. There was no doubt she was beautiful, a pity she wasn't even worth the dust she stepped on.

"Be my guest, I'll go downstairs.", Fluke said to avoid confrontation, as it wasn't his goal that night to be distracted by small problems.

"I think you won't!", Lydia said pointing a gun, which she took from who knows where, at Fluke.

"What is this?!"

"It's something I should have done a long time ago: get you out of my way! You fortune hunter from the most rotten sewer!" the woman accused and then spat on the ground, as if the mention of those words left a bad taste in your mouth.

"Lydia, I don't know what you're talking about!", Fluke was alarmed and looked around for something he could use to protect himself.

"Don't play dumb boy!"

"Lydia, I married Ohm for love! I love him and he loves me!", he tried to argue.

"Everyone saw your fight, kid! Now that you've left his life, there's a chance I can be with him! I just need to get rid of you once and for all!", Lydia threatened.

"It's good to know the plan worked then, Lydia!", the thick voice commented.

"Ohm?!", Lydia screamed, startled when she saw the man she was talking about just moments before, just emerging from the shadows of the penthouse.

Slowly so as not to draw the armed woman's attention, Ohm stepped in front of Fluke and that awakened in the smaller male memories of the not-too-distant past. He put his hands behind his husband's back, as if that way could give him some strength or energy. The support was valid because Fluke's touch stabilized Ohm's heartbeat for his next line.

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