9. The attack

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Some people say that when we wake up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, it's because our guardian angel is sending us a signal. Others say that somewhere in the world there is someone thinking about us and that pulls us out of the dreamland. Whichever the real reason, Fluke woke up in the middle of the night.

He felt slightly warm and realized the reason for this was his bear-sized boyfriend cuddled against his body with an arm around him. Cute, but at the moment it was causing a lot of heat and he felt he needed a glass of water. Then, very carefully, Fluke removed his body from where it was clinging to Ohm's, and went down the stairs one step at a time to avoid making a noise, until he reached the kitchen.

While drinking water, however, the boy felt something tickling his sixth sense. Followed by the shiver that went through his spine, he heard a noise coming from outside. Walking carefully to the window, he strained to look into the darkness and was sure to spot a silhouette running towards the house.

Still trying to keep silent, but now at a much more frantic pace, Fluke climbed the stairs and returned to the room where moments before he had been sleeping beside Ohm. He moved the muscular body once, twice, trying to wake him up.

"Love, don't make any noise! ​​I think there's someone lurking around the house!", he whispered close to the sleeping man's ear.

"What? Fluke?", he woke up a little groggy.

"I went to drink water and saw someone near the house."

Ohm's eyes widened as the information penetrated his brain, he felt at once the instinct of preservation taking over the space that had previously been filled with lethargy.

"I'll take a look, you stay here!", Ohm said, wearing the jeans and shirt that were lying on the floor.

"You don't even think you're going there alone, Ohm!", Fluke threw a defiant look as he knotted his robe more securely.

The two locked eyes in a small contest for dominance, but Ohm gave up first with a sigh.

"Ok, ok! But you stay behind me!", the CEO said and then left the room, feeling Fluke's presence right behind him.

As they passed through the living room, Ohm picked up two of the golf clubs that had been set up as decorations near the entrance and handed one to Fluke. They were nowhere near effective weapons, but they did have the element of surprise in their ambush.

From where they were, near the kitchen door, it was possible to see that a man, a little over six feet tall, was rummaging through the cabinets in search of something. Ohm then raised a hand and silently counted the time to attack the man.

"We're going to 3! 1… 2… 3!", he whispered and together with Fluke they started hitting the intruder with their golf clubs. The guy tried to defend himself, but when he saw that he couldn't and taking advantage of the fact that his aggressors were starting to lose their strength, he yelled quickly:

"Calm down! It's me! Boss! Fluke! It's me… Boun!"

Hearing the familiar voice of Ohm's head of private security, both men ceased their attack.

"I was hungry… and I decided to come here to get something to eat.", Boun spoke chewing the instant noodles Fluke had prepared for him. "I didn't expect…you were going to wake up and see me!", he finished with a sideways smile. The bandage on his eyebrow was the only thing that allowed him to eat without worrying about the wound he won after the attack he had suffered. Luckily, Ohm was skilled enough with the first aid kit.

"You could have warned, Boun! What if…", but Ohm couldn't finish.

A noise of the window in the living room breaking was heard. When the 3 occupants of the house went to check, they came across a guy all dressed in black and wearing a face mask pointing a gun at them. The only thing visible on his face were his eyes, which had almost invisible pupils and had something quite somber, almost as if the guy was drugged.

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