6. Overtime shift

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It was Saturday night and Fluke felt frustrated, but he didn't quite understand why. It was his day off, so he should have feel excited and looking for something fun to do, but all he felt was an indescribable emptiness as if he should be somewhere else at that moment and not here in that apartment that looked very messy and uncomfortable.

Maybe looking up at the ceiling with only the light from the lamp keeping him company didn't help much, but it was the resource he had at the moment. He had called Earth, but his childhood friend had turned him away because he was taking a course. Who studies on a Saturday night? And Prem had the nerve to rub it in his face that he had a date with his boyfriend. In short: he was the only single creature with nothing to do. Until fate decided to intervene.

The doorbell rang and he went to answer it. To his absolute surprise, his boss was outside his apartment. It was quite a sight to see that guy in casual clothes because even though he was wearing only ripped jeans and a short-sleeved white shirt that made it obvious he had toned abs and still looked like a magazine model.

"Hey! I was at home and there was a serious problem. I need you to work overtime, is that okay?", Ohm asked.

In fact, there should be, right? Who works overtime with a smile on their face? But that's exactly what Fluke felt inclined to do right now because ever since he'd laid eyes on the man in front of him, that inexplicable emptiness he'd felt seemed to have been filled with something that tickled his stomach.

"Where do you need to go?", Fluke asked because even if he were going to accept whatever the request was, he would first try to play hard to not hand it over too easily to the CEO.

"Err... I need to go... to the supermarket? That's it! I need to go to the supermarket!", Ohm said. Apparently Fluke wasn't the only one faking something there.

"Wait, but how did you get here, Ohm?" Fluke decided to tease the boss.

"Driving my car, of course!" the man blurted out unintentionally.

"So... why do you need me?", Fluke made the final move.

"You're my driver, how am I going to drive the grocery cart?", Ohm replied simply.

"That doesn't even make sense! You don't do grocery shopping, you have people to do it for you! Why do you need me for the weekend?", Fluke asked, frustrated with the answer given by the CEO, which didn't exactly meet his expectations.

“I wanted to go out to distract myself, but after scrolling through the contact list I realized that all the names there were either business partners or people I want to become business partners.", but realizing that the shorter one didn't seem to believe his words, Ohm decided to be sincere and finally said, "You're the only person I thought could spend time with. The one I wanted to be with right now...".

Fluke felt the butterflies flutter their wings again at the sudden declaration. He quickly returned to the interior of the property to check things out and turn off the lamps and when he was done, he simply reached out to the CEO for his car keys and locked his apartment.

Arriving at the supermarket, despite what had been arranged, it was Ohm who was pushing the cart and Fluke was putting random things into it. What the guy didn't realize is that the CEO was putting some of them back on the shelf. Until Fluke caught him in the act.

"Hey! Why are you putting everything back to place? You don't want my help!", Fluke said, crossing his arms and pouting.

"We can't eat that much sugar, Fluke! You just picked up candies!", Ohm explained, rolling his eyes.

"But eating only dried fruit and yogurt is bad too!", Fluke accused, pointing to the few things the CEO had picked up on his own.

"Ok, ok! We can take supplies to make 1 cake, ok?", he showed his index finger to reaffirm the quantity.

"Are we going to bake a cake?", Fluke asked, instantly forgetting his frustration and coloring with joy at the news.

"Sure! Let's bake a cake and see a movie, how about that?", Ohm proposed. After seeing that smile so perfect, he didn't want the night to end so soon anyway.

After shopping was done, the two headed to Ritprasert mansion.

"My sister isn't home and I dismissed the staff, so we'll need to bake the cake ourselves, okay?", Ohm warned as they unpacked the groceries.

"Okay!", Fluke replied, saluting in such a cute way that it got a laugh out of Ohm that neither of them expected, leaving them both surprised and embarrassed until they got their hands busy to distract themselves.

They both knew a lot about cooking, which Fluke thought was amazing and that made the job easier.

"I didn't know you can cook!", Fluke commented.

"Oh, as I always arrive late because of work, I learned to make a lot of things to eat. I got a taste for the activity and it became a hobby of mine!", Ohm replied smiling.

Soon the cake was ready and they were both sitting on the couch watching a horror movie. It could be that Fluke took advantage of the scares he took to grab the man's arm sitting beside him. It may be that the latter chose a film of precisely this genre expecting such a reaction.

"Wow, it's too late! I need to get back now! Thanks for everything, Ohm!", Fluke exclaimed as he checked the time on the phone.

"Hey, hey! Wait a minute! It's too late for you to come back alone! Stay here tonight! You can leave tomorrow morning, okay?", Ohm suggested.

"Are you sure?", the boy asked doubtfully.

"It's an order!", Ohm joked, making an ugly face, but then changing into a wide grin that seemed to take over his face so completely that he had to bite his bottom lip to hold back a bit.


Somewhere far away from the Ritprasert mansion...

"Looks like the driver won't be leaving today, ma'am," the voice informed over the phone.

"Ok, keep me posted as usual. I think it's my turn to act now…", the woman replied and then hung up the line without further explanation.

Approaching her office window she looked out over the sleeping cityscape.

"While you sleep with your pet driver, I stay awake plotting my plans, Ohm Thitiwat!" the woman muttered to herself.

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