11. The honeymoon

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When the limo stopped, the couple had to interrupt their heated session and disembark from the vehicle. The change in temperature and the strong wind found Fluke's face and he tried to use his arm to protect himself until Ohm, gentlemanly as ever, stepped in front of him.

Soon after, the wind ceased completely and they felt nothing but the light sea breeze in the late afternoon. So Fluke was able to see where they were: on a helipad by the sea.

"Ohm?", Fluke looked at his husband with wide eyes.

"Surprise!", Ohm said excitedly.

Days after the attack they'd suffered at the cottage in the mountains, Ohm and Fluke had returned to their normal routine. They worked during the day and spent the nights together. When Fluke complained about having left his own apartment for more than 3 days, Ohm insisted on accompanying his boyfriend and staying there. But something was bothering the CEO and one night, without much ceremony or impossible promises, he sincerely expressed his feelings and fears while the two of them were comfortably lying in Fluke's small bed.

"Love, do you know what I've been thinking?", Ohm played with his boyfriend's hair.


"Since that night the guy pointed the gun at us and I realized that something could have happened, separating us in one way or another, I've seen how life is a risk. We don't know if we're going to be here in the next moment and our only certainty is now…", Ohm was trying to search for the brown eyes that were barely visible in the moonlight.

"What do you mean, love?", Fluke asked, his heartbeat quickening.

"I mean I don't want to waste any more time…", Ohm said and then got up from the bed to got something among the clothes that had been discarded on the floor hours before. Taking a small blue velvet box, he turned on the lamp near the head of the bed and knelt beside it. "Fluke Natouch, do you allow me to spend every possible moment with you for the rest of our lives?"

Fluke felt he might burst with joy at that question. In fact, his heart jumped inside his chest as if a thousand horses were running side by side and causing an earthquake inside him. There were a thousand reasons for not accepting that request, but the only one he had to accept was greater than all of them: Fluke was absolutely sure of Ohm's feelings and his own. It was really silly to be apart.

"I do, I do, I do!", the boy said, jumping from the bed into the arms of his loved one.

The following weeks were used to plan the event. Even though they wanted to keep it simple, it still required work and organization. So they preferred to split it up for ease: Fluke and Earth were in charge of the ceremony and reception; Ohm and Prem would handle the honeymoon trip.

And that was how they had an intimate wedding in the garden of Ritprasert mansion and went to spend their honeymoon on the private island that was in the family's name.

"You're crazy, love!", Fluke patted his husband's chest when they landed on the island at dawn the day after the wedding.

"Crazy for you and only for you!", Ohm replied, hugging his narrow waist and stealing a deep kiss from the man in front of him.

The island was absurdly large, but it had a small staff to guarantee the couple some privacy. Inside the huge house that occupied the central part of the island, they had everything they would need, but the truth was, they were preoccupied with more important matters, like enjoying each other's company.

So, as soon as they disembarked, they quickly changed their formal clothes into bathing suits and headed for the beach. The clear waters were tempting and the couple had fun swimming and playing in the waves. In the evening, they retired inside the house for a quick shower and dinner.

When Fluke came out of the bath, he found no Ohm in sight, only a card resting on the edge of the bed. In the businessman's elegant handwriting, the message was written: "I'm waiting for you on the terrace, love!". Beside it, he had left a red rose that Fluke stroked with his fingertip.

As he walked through the house to meet his husband, Fluke was glad he'd chosen to wear a beige sweater with white pants because the night time on the island seemed to have cooler temperatures.

Arriving on the stairs that led to the terrace, Fluke saw that everything had been prepared with care. There were rose petals scattered on the steps and candles indicating the path he should take. The boy chuckled to himself, pleased and flattered to have found someone as romantic as his husband.

Upon reaching the terrace, Fluke caught sight of Ohm. The CEO was dressed in outfits similar to his own: a long-sleeved shirt and pants, but in a lighter shade. It was as if they had agreed to use matched colors, but it was just a coincidence. Ohm didn't styled his hair like he was used to do on workdays, preferring a more laid-back style and that look gave his image something more rustic, perhaps wild, making Fluke feel attracted to him like a magnet.

"Did I take too long?", the shorter one asked when he was near his husband.

"I would wait until the end of times for you, love!", Ohm smiled widely and easily narrowed the distance between them to kiss his lover.

The dinner was peaceful and tasty, even if the lovers were too distracted by the stars they found in each other's eyes to properly enjoy the meal. The night seemed magical and soon they were back in the master bedroom.

"I'll be right back!", Fluke said, fleeing to the bathroom as soon as they entered the room.

Ohm smiled to himself and sat on the bed to wait.

Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, Fluke stared at the mirror, trying to find answers to his own sudden nervousness. This was his honeymoon night, it was true, but it's not like they'd never slept together before. Even so, he felt his hands shaking slightly.

"You can do this, Fluke!", he said, staring determinedly at his reflection in the mirror. Armed with new courage, he changed his clothes for the pieces he had left there before and returned to the bedroom.

Ohm had also taken the time to change clothes and was now wearing a silk robe. The fabric was a different shade that played between lilac and blue, accentuating the perfect curves of the CEO's ripped body, and Fluke felt himself purring at the sight.

"You look beautiful, love!", Ohm took him by surprise with the compliment.

The shorter one was dressed in shorts and a white silk robe that accentuated the smoothness of his skin. Ohm felt his hands itching to touch him.

"You look beautiful too!", Fluke commented, approaching the other.

Ohm placed a hand on his husband's face and kissed him gently, but then Fluke deepened the moment and opening his mouth, allowed their tongues to meet.

They walked carefully towards the bed, until Ohm sat on the edge of the mattress and brought Fluke into his lap.

"I love you, Ohm Thitiwat Ritprasert-Siripongthon!", Fluke confessed breathlessly, taking the chance to test in his tongue his husband's new name, since he had insisted on adding his family name to his.

"I love you too, Fluke Natouch Siripongthon-Ritprasert!"

And just like their names and the rings they now carried on their fingers, their bodies came together in a mixture of love and devotion.



A romantic night that closes the sweet part of our history! Now comes the excitement in the final chapters!! 😍😍

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