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Hello and welcome back today I have the amazing actress Autumn Danvers with me.

Hi everyone it is great to be here.

So first thing first is how are you doing, are you enjoying your time here in paris?

I am doing amazing I love having some time to myself since we stopped filming stranger things, I was going to say I love being able to have more sleep in the mornings but my body is just so used to being a wake so early I haven't had the chance to. I am loving it in paris ms Johansson recommend a really cute cafe near the Eiffel Tower where I meet sarah she is so sweet and lovely we spend all day together yesterday, sight seeing and shopping just normal basic stuff which was great and really relaxing.

Well that sounds amazing what is your favourite and least favourite thing about being such a famous actress.

Well I would not say I am really that famous, I really do love my fans they are so amazing and supportive of me and aren't pushy and understand I need space unlike the paparazzi that literally follow me everywhere and are always getting in my personal space and life I know it's there jobs but there more likely going to get answers to questions if they dont have there cameras in my face and ask nicely and not crowd people.

I completely agree with you there, so what are your plans to do next.

Well I have some photoshoot and interviews in different countries, I have a few meets and greets along the way which i will be announcing where and when later tonight. I leave paris in 4 days. I have a few acting gigs coming up but everything is tops secret I am not aloud to say anything, but I am going to love every second of it. I also have some studio time booked for finishing some new songs I have been working on.

So you mentioned ms Johansson earlier, she and a few of the mcu cast follow you on Instagram and have been commenting on your post. what do you think of it and is there going to be a meet up anytime soon.

I am amazed and love all the support I get for all kinds of actors or actresses and musicians, I think it is really important to show support for other in the same industry as it can be seen as quite a competitive career. It's really isnt tho we all know how hard the industry can be so it is best to support and help others instead of bring others down. I cant say if there will be a meet up or not I cant predict the future I would love to meet them they seem quite relaxed because there are so many of them there a family which is important so your not alone. Never say never to a meet up. I could meet up with one of them or all who knows what will happen.

Well that's great, what are you hoping to do in future jobs.

Wow that a good question I am really open to so anything I mean I would love to try voice acting that sounds like it would be fun to portray any kind of story threw only my voice. I can dance sing and do my own stunts so anything can really be possible and I am not just trying to focus on one type of film or series so I am keeping my options open for any opportunity that could come my way. I would love to do music collaborations and they different styles.

Thst is a great answer, so tell me something about yourself that not a lot of people know,only I'd your comfortable.

We everyone thinks I am this chill down to earth person which is true I am but I am actually a really other thinker I suffer from anxiety and other mental illnesses but I try not to show it they is one of the reasons why I encourage my fans to reach out and ask for help even if it's to me or a family member sometimes we just need to speak our minds to figure out a solution or realise we are just other thinking things that is why my DMs are always open for people even if it's just they have had a bad day and need a rant.

Okay thank you for coming on today I hope you the best of luck with your travels and future acting gigs.

After the interview i go to my photo shoot.

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