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Woke up to this this morning

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Woke up to this this morning. How can someone be so cute in pyjamas. @Autumn_Danvers

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Look who finally woke up at 11.

Your hair is so cute.

I hope your having fun baby girl.

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I sat staring at Autumn when she looked up at me and gave me a little smile. She opened her arms to me i sat and cuddled up to her on lap as she finished her email.

E. How long have you been awake.

A. I woke up at 7 brought use back here at 8, so 5 hours.

E. Sorry I feel back asleep, how comes I didn't wake up on the way back.

A. You were cuddled into me on the way back so you were comfortable. So what we doing today.

E. Cuddled and movies please. I said in a baby voice for some reason.

A. Ofcourse princess do you want breakfast. I nooded.

A. French toast.  I nooded my head frantically coursing her to giggle.

Autumn carried me to the kitchen and sat me down on the kitchen counter so i could watch her cooking.

After eating we sat in bed all day and watched movies I was cuddled up to her side with my head on her chest. I began to get stiff so I got up and move around the room.

A. You okay princess.

E. Yea it just hurts to lay on my side for to long. But I want to cuddle.🥺

A. Come here. I gave her a weird look not understand. She moved back to sit up against the head board comfortably and patted the space between her legs. I sat between her legs leaning back on her causing her to wrap her arms around me resting her head on top of mine as we watched the rest of the film.

I closed my eyes listening to her heart beat, and become lost in thought.

I am becoming nervous incase I accidently let it slip thst I like her because I think she won't like me because I haven't really done the whole dating relationship sex any of it and I will waste her time and I am scared I am going to loss her. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the TV is turned off and I was lifted up to face Autumn.
I sat on her thighs fiddling with my rings not saying anything.

A. What's wrong princess you have gone really quite and been nervous for 10 minutes. She said looking at me worried rubbing my thighs gently.

E. I.. umm.. I don't.. I cant.. I said quietly still not looking at her.

A. Hey it's okay I promise you can trust me I am not going anywhere okay. I nooded my head.

A. Is it something to do with back home. I shake my head.

A.Is it a person. I srug my shoulder.

A. Is it about a relationship. I nood.

A. Your in one. I shake my head.

A. You like someone. I didn't answer just looked down.

A. Okay so are they a friend that you like but don't want to tell. I nood looking up at her crying.

A. It's okay princess you have done nothing wrong. Are you worried they won't like you back and you will lose them. She said cupping my face whipping away my tears. I began cring more. She pulled me in to her crest playing with my hair whispering sweet nothing in my ear.

After 10 minutes I stop cring and pull away, she takes my hand and brings it to her mouth and kisses my parm before holding it looking up at me.

E. I don't do relationships of any sort. Nothing romantic, sexual I don't really do friendships either. I did In high school but he cheat on me in my own house a week before our anniversary when we were ment to.. you know .. I trailed off knowing she knew what I ment.

A. I am so sorry thst happened but I promise not everyone is like that, that was years ago and you have better judgement now you just need to be open with them. Whether their a girl, boy or non binary we all want to find someone to love and look after just tell them and if they don't like you that's on them. Do you want to know about my past relationship. I nood listening to everything she is telling me.

A. Well I have only ever been in 3 kind off relationships nothing officially so I actually have never had a relationship before either.
I have have been with both girls and a boy. My first was my girlfriend who I had like for 4 years in middle shool and I told her I like her and she kissed me but she was dared to do it and someone recorded it and showed the whole entire school which didn't go well with school they told my parent and said if I don't get my act together I would be sent to boarding school. Her parent took her out of school and sent her to boarding school so I never saw her again. In high school I was know as the gay one but I was still the prettiest girl in school so the popular jock Oliver said I had to be with him or he would kill me. About a month into the relationship it took a turn for the worst evertime I defended myself he would abuse me about 2 weeks later i dropped out of school for my first acting job at 14. At 16 I started to hang out with Elise Roger after 3 months of talking I was finally going to ask her to be my girlfriend but on the way to the location I had set up we were hit by a drunk driver who was in a large lorry she died from the impact straight away so she didn't feel alot of pain. She began to cry.

A. Anyway what I mean is even after everything with the first two I was still willing to trying with elise even if that didn't work out.

I lean back it to her hugging her around her torso.

E. I am so sorry you went threw that sweetheart.

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