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Autumns point of view

Today Elizabeth has an interview near by so I want to suprise her and take her out tonight as I know that she has been missing me and stressed with work.

She is in the interview with Tom Hiddleston and Jeremy Renner about the current movie.

At studio building 2, I am meet with a security member who is going to escort me to where I am ment to be.


Hello everyone today I am here with Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Renner and the wonderful Elizabeth Olsen. How are you all?

T. We are all good thank you for asking how are you?

Good thank you, so you are coming to the end of filming how are you all feeling?

J. We are so glad that this film is nearly other because we have put so much work into it, and we can't wait for people to see it.

E. I agree but I am going to miss everyone being in the same place and seeing everyone multiple times a week if not everyday.

T. Well all keep in touch dont worry and will plan multiple get together.

^_^  ^_^  ^_^  ^_^  ^_^  ^_^  ^_^  ^_^  ^_^

Elizabeth a few  weeks ago you went away with Autumn Danvers to texas, how did that come around?

E. Well we had been messaging since she was in Paris and after talking for a few days I mentioned i had a week off as I was not needed for filming. She mentioned that she was planning to go to texas and I said about how I have always wanted to go there but never got around to it. So she invited me to go with her and planned  everything. Then she arrived in LA to pick me up the night before and ordered me and the girls a takeaway as I had told her we where having a girls night to hang out before I left.

That's so sweet did anyone know who you were going with or where you were going.

T. No no we didn't.

J. I know she just didn't show up for work.

E. Ye so only Scarlett and Brie new I was going away that had no idea who with or where, and I told no one else in the cast I was. I did tell the directors tho and asked them not to tell anyone.

T. You had us all very worried when you didn't show up for work and no one new where you where or who you where with.

E.I did tell the girls what time my flight was, I just assumed that they would tell you guys.

J. They did but we still didn't know what was actually happening as we had no clue if where you where If something was to happen.

So are you planning on meeting up again soon?

E. I don't know when we will see each other again I really miss her already but we both have jobs so it's difficult to find time but we do talk often, I hope we can see each other again soon tho.

At this point I sneek up and stand behind her whilst placing my finger on my lip as a quite motion 🤫 towards the people behind the camras.

So if you got a choice would you rather see her in person once a week or talk over the phone everyday.

E. In person definitely she is such a amazing person I am always so calm and relaxed around her it weird because we only meet a few weeks ago  but in person definitely you can make more memories plus I get to see her gorgeous face too so.

A. Well I am glad I decide to drive down and see you then princess.

Elizabeth screeches when she hears someone talking behind her but when she realised who it is she jumped up and ran into my arms pulling her self as close as possible.

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