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Kawaii~Chan's POV

Kawaii~Chan was hurrying down the corridor to get to her next class when she bumped into someone. Kawaii~Chan got up and apologised to the while looking at her feet. Then, Kawaii~Chan heard a familiar voice say, "It's fine KC. It's my fault. I should have stopped you but I was looking the other way because I was talking to Zane."
Kawaii~Chan was confused. She looked up and saw she had bumped into Aphmau~Sempai! And Aphmau~Sempai was talking to the emo boy she was in the same class as!
"Kawaii~Chan didn't mean to bump into you Aphmau~Sempai. She was hurring to her next class and wasn't looking where she was going. Shouldn't Zane~Kun be going to his next class as well? Him and Kawaii~Chan are in the same class."
"She is right you know. I probably should be going." stated Zane~Kun, "I'll catch you later Aphmau!"

Kawaii~Chan started to walk away but Zane~Kun chased after her. "I find it silly that we should be walking to the same class one in front of the other instead of walking together - especially as we are both friends with Aphmau."
"I suppose you are right Zane~Kun. I just didn't want Katelyn~Sama to tease me about it later or for Aphmau~Sempai to go full ship mode." I replied
"What's Aphmau like when she is in full ship mode?"
"Terrible. She doesn't shut up about how 'they are made for each other' for months - longer if the ship involves Kawaii~Chan or Katelyn~Sama and around half a year if it involves her."
"I can imagine her friends pain when that happens."
"Aren't you friends with her now though?"
"Yes, I just haven't experienced her in full ship mode yet."
"You're unlucky. Kawaii~Chan thinks that now her and Zane~Kun have talked about it while WALKING TO CLASS TOGETHER and APHMAU~SEMPAI WATCHING HER AND ZANE~KUN VERY CLOSELY UNTIL THEY ARE OUT OF SIGHT you might experience it for maybe 3 months or until Zane~Kun starts dating Kawaii~Chan."
"That's going to be annoyng, isn't it. Just like how she drools and ignores everything going on around her when she sees Aaron."
"It's not just Kawaii~Chan that noticed that! It's not just Kawaii~Chan that noticed that!" Kawaii~Chan said while doing a dance.

Zane's POV

So me and a girl named Kawaii~Chan who is in my class were walking to class together after she bumped into Aphmau (who I was talking to) while on her way to class. She said something like, "I didn't mean to bump into you Aphmau. I was hurring to my next class and wasn't looking where I was going. Shouldn't Zane be going to his next class as well? He and I are in the same class." but in the weird way she speaks. Like, she speaks in third person and has weird names for everyone. I think she calls me Zane~Kun, Aph  Aphmau~Sempai (that one is really weird, that's how I remember it) and Katelyn (who I assume is one of Aph's friends as she uses that namewhen explaining how Aphmau acts when she is in full ship mode) Katelyn~Sama unless Katelyn~Sama is actually her name which I find unlikely. Although, Aph is friends with a girl named Kawaii~Chan, so anything is possible. I'm making a mental note to ask Aphmau about that later.

Anyway, Kawaii~Chan started walking and I ran and we started taking. Eventually, we got to a point where I said, and I quote, "That's going to be annoyng, isn't it. Just like how she drools and ignores everything going on around her when she sees Aaron."
And then she said,"It's not just Kawaii~Chan that noticed that! It's not just Kawaii~Chan that noticed that!" and started dancing. I have to admit, that was pretty weird, but I didn't dare say that to her face because I fear that, if I did, she would get upset and tell Aphmau. It's not like I'm scared of Aphmau but- ok I'm scared of a really, really short person, ok? Aph can be scary when she wants to be. Very scary. Especially when other people are watching. So instead I politely asked her to stop because people were starting to stare. Then she shouted, much to my annoyance, "I don't care! Let them stare!"
"Kawaii~Chan, I get scared when people stare at me. I can only stop the fear when my first friend Aphmau is near. Or my crush but that defeats the purpose of the rhyme." I whispered.
"Kawaii~Chan is sorry. She will try and stop making people stare."
"Also, Kawaii~Chan wants to know, who is Zane~Kun's crush? You mentioned you had one earlier so you can't deny you have one."
"I'm sorry Kawaii~Chan, but I can't tell you. That would lead to her finding out."
"Ok, but come and see Kawaii~Chan at the park after school. She wants to talk about something." Kawaii~Chan said as we entered the classroom. I didn't have time to ask what it was that she wanted to talk about because I hadn't read the page we were meant to last night. I sat down, got out my book and started reading the page we were meant to read last night. Kawaii~Chan must have known about me not doing it as she laughed and said, "Kawaii~Chan knew it!"
"Ok, if that didn't give away the fact that Garroth told you I didn't read it, I don't know what would have!" I exclaimed, which made her laugh even harder.

I know Zane and Aphmau weren't friends in high school but it was needed for the plotline. Constructive criticism only. Thanks for reading this chapter.

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