Ice Cream

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Aphmau's POV

My ice cream was so good and I guess Travis thought he was too because he said so. "Katelyn, this is the best ice cream I have had in a month." 
"Merci," Katelyn replied.
Travis was confused, "What?"
"Merci. Thank you in French. Come on Travis, you've been learning French for 3 years!" I shouted.
"And? I can't remember everything that I've learned recently!" Travis bounced back.
Kawaii~Chan giggled, "Merci would've been one of the first things you learned to say Travis~Kun." 
"Would it?" questioned Travis.
"Yes, it would," I stated, bluntly.
"Oh," sighed Travis.

After a while of this weird, weird conversation, we were walking along the beach, breathing in the air. KC and Zane had kissed a few days ago and so it wouldn't be as big of a deal for them to kiss anymore and it would've been the perfect place too if they had have finished their ice cream already but they hadn't so that wasn't an option. But Travis and Katelyn had. And it would be the perfect place for a kiss. Especially their first together.

Katelyn's POV

It would be the perfect place for our first kiss. And all of our friends were there too. At least I think so, I don't think Travis has any friends other than Aphmau, KC, Zane, and I would say me but now we're dating I don't think it counts anymore. I worked up the courage and whispered in his ear, "Can I kiss you?" (consent is good guys)
"Y-Yeah," Travis answered, nervous. 

I looked at Aphmau and nodded, our signal for when we're gonna miss someone when the other is there. "Ooh, look over there!" Aphmau exclaimed, pointing out to sea, making Aaron, Zane, and KC look away from me and Travis as we kissed.

Kawaii~Chan's POV

Aphmau~Senpai pointed out to sea and Kawaii~Chan looked but couldn't see anything. She turned back to ask what Aphmau~Senpai was pointing at but then she saw, behind Aphmau~Senpai, Travis~Kun and Katelyn~Sama kissing and Aphmau~Senpai looking at them as if they were the best thing in the world, which Kawaii~Chan knew they were. Kawaii~Chan started to squeal because her ship were kissing in front of her. Like, OMI, Travis~Kun, and Katelyn~Sama were kissing in front of Kawaii~Chan, Aphmau~Senpai, Aaron~Kun, and Zane~Kun.

Zane's POV

Me and Aaron heard Nana squealing and turned around to see what was going on. It turned out that Katelyn and Travis were kissing and that KC and Aph were watching and squealing at the sight. The only thing that was stopping me was that Aaron was there and that I don't know Katelyn and Travis very well. You see, if it were Aphmau and Aaron that were kissing it would be another matter; Aaron wouldn't be able to make fun of me because he would be kissing Aph and I would be squealing with KC, Travis, and Katelyn but, then again, I would probably be angry that my best friend was kissing someone as I am a father figure in her life.

Ok, now they've broken apart and Katelyn looks like she wants to kill everyone that was watching her and Travis kiss each other, and that was all of us "Please don't kill us!" screamed Aph, confirming the fact that Katelyn wanted to Kill us all in my eyes. 
"Don't worry, I won't," stated Travis, "unless you annoy me in the next few minutes. Then I will kill you all." 
OK, now it's confusing me, will Travis or Katelyn kill us? Why are they all so confusing all the time? Do they all aim to be as confusing as possible for me? Am I just not allowed to understand? "What the actual fudge (imagine he said the f word but I wanna have my book clean for now I think) are you talking about!?" yelled Zane.
"I'm kindly deciding whether to kill you all or not. I don't think I will. I might do though. I just can't be sure." Travis stated.
"I didn't know you could be scary, Travis." Me neither Katelyn, me neither.

Hey everyone! I know this chapter is kinda short but I don't know what to write so can I have some inspiration please or I might declare this book finished in the next chapter. That would be my first finished book on Wattpad! See you in the next chapter! Also, the inspo is all down to you guys so please help! Bye! -Ginny_Weasley_Rules

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