After School

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Kawaii~Chan's POV

After my last class of the day, Kawaii~Chan rushed out of the classroom and to her locker in order to get ready to go and meet Zane~Kun at the park.She was very nervous because she was going to tell him how she felt. This really scared Kawaii~Chan because she didn't think Zane~Kun liked her. 
"Come on Kawaii~Chan. You can do this! " Kawaii~Chan whispered to herself as she walked out of school and to the park.

Katelyn's POV

So, before one of my classes, I heard Kawaii~Chan say to Zane to meet her at the park after school so, after final period, I found Kawaii~Chan and followed her. At one point, I heard her encourage herself to do something so I assumed she was going to tell Zane how she really felt. Like any logical person in my situation, I text Aphmau. All I said was Park. Five minutes? Zane~Chan. Code pink. but I think she got the idea because she responded with Be right there. Just gotta tell Travis where I'm going.

Aphmau's POV

Katelyn text me saying simply Park. Five minutes? Zane~Chan. Code pink. so I responded with Be right there. Just gotta tell Travis where I'm going. and of course, being the idiot she is, Katelyn went Why? He your boyfriend? She's really annoying. First, ew. Second, I'm talking to him. Again she responded Ok, your talking to your not-alone-buddy.

Then, after about a minute of Katelyn texting me and me texting back about how we thought Kawaii~Chan's confession would go, Travis asked, "Who are you texting."
"Katelyn. Code Pink. Zane~Chan. At park in 'bout four minutes."

Travis POV

"How on earth are we meant to get there in under four minutes?"
"You forget I'm in werewolf class, don't you?" she replied and did the whistling thing she does to call some of her classmates. 
"You know, I hate when you answer a question with a question because I hardly ever know what you mean." I stated very confused as two werewolves came running towards us. "Oh."

Kawaii~Chan's POV

Kawaii~Chan was on her way to the park when she saw Katelyn~Sama following her. "Katelyn~Sama, stop following Kawaii~Chan."
"I'm not following you. I just heard you ask Zane to meet you at the park after school." Katelyn~Sama told Kawaii~Chan as she came out of her hiding spot. "I want to hear how your confession goes."
"Ok? Don't tell Kawaii~Chan you told Aphmau~Sempai or Travis~Kun though."
"He he he." Katelyn~Sama laughed nervously.
"You know Aphmau~Sempai will go into full ship mode and Travis~Kun will go crazy."
"I didn't mean to tell Travis! Aph just happened to be talking to her not-alone-buddy when I text her! I had bad timing, ok!"
"Kawaii~Chan needs advice. How would you tell him if you was Kawaii~Chan?"
"Kawaii~Chan, if I had the answer to that, I wouldn't be single right now."
"Oh yeah, that's right, you still haven't told Travis." I mocked as Aphmau~Sempai and Travis~Kun arrived.
"Tell me what?" the only boy here asked as Aphmau thanked the werewolves that got them here.
"It's nothing." hissed Katelyn~Sama.
"Kawaii~Chan thinks Zane~Kun should be at the park now so we should get there soon." stated Kawaii~Chan
"Ok," replied Aphmau~Sempai, "We'll go first and hide behind a bush or something."

Thank you for reading this chapter. Sorry I took so long to update, I was on holiday. I don't know if Katelyn liked Travis in high school but I thought it would be funny for Kawaii~Chan to tease her about it. Remember, constructive criticism only!


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