The Park, Continued

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Aphmau POV

... and we screamed. Zane~Chan was happening! But Kawaii~Chan looked at us as if saying What are you doing?!,  I looked at her like simply Zane~Chan and Zane was very confused so he said, "What are you two doing, Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan!? You are looking at each other all weird and I don't understand why!"
"Don't worry about that. I think KC was asking why we were screaming and I think Aph replied with Zane~Chan." explained Katelyn, "It took even me a long time to understand their silent language. 

Kawaii~Chan's POV

While Katelyn~Sama explained what me and Aphamu~Sempai were silent talking about, we continued silent talking. She silent said How long will this take? and I silent replied with Kawaii~Chan doesn't know, maybe two minutes?

About two minutes later, Katelyn~Sama had finished explaining and me and Zane~Kun just walked out of the park telling the three that we had to go. Obviously, Aphmau~Sempai, Katelyn~Sama and Travis~Kun didn't believe us but they left us alone. I'm pretty sure Aphmau~Sempai had a plan to get Katelyn~Sama and Travis~Kun together and Kawaii~Chan didn't want to get involved in that, at least, not yet. She would in like a few hours.

After Kawaii~Chan and Zane~Kun left the park, they spoke in private (that's what they think, only they are not aloe when we are here!). "Hey Nana?"
"Yes Zane~Kun?"
"Can you not tell Garroth? About us I mean. He already teases me enough without me having a girlfriend, I can't imagine how he and Vylad would tease me about having one."
"Sure, that's ok with Kawaii~Chan. She can't say the same about Aphmau~Sempai, Katelyn~Sama and Travis~Kun though."
"Goodnight Nana."
"Goodnight Zane~Kun." stated Kawaii~Chan as Zane~Kun walked away, waving.

As soon as Kawaii~Chan's new boyfriend Zane~Kun had left her view, she rushed back into the park to help Aphmau~Sempai on her shipping mission. She hurried over to Aphmau~Sempai who was asking Travis~Kun too many questions to count.

Aphmau's POV

A few minutes after KC and Zane left the park, KC came back alone and steered Katelyn so she couldn't see me and Travis so I started questioning things that Katelyn shouldn't know. "Do you have a crush?"
"Do I know them?"
"Do they have natural hair colour?"
"Were they here a few minutes ago?"
"Are you going to tell me who it is?"
"Only if you promise not to tell her."
"I promise to only tell her if I know she likes you too."
"Good enough. Katelyn."

"KC! KATELYN! HERE NOW!" I exclaimed, quickly.
"But you just promised too- Oh. I can tell them."
"Thank you."

Kawaii~Chan's POV

A few minutes later and Kawaii~Chan heard Aphmau~Sempai calling her and Katelyn~Sama over. She didn't know why she had called them over so soon after Kawaii~Chan had steered Katelyn~Sama away so she could question Travis~Kun. It was very strange but Kawaii~Chan trusts Aphmau~Sempai so she and Katelyn~Sama went back over to where they were a few minutes prior. 

"Aphmau~Sempai called?" I asked trying to figure out why she had called us over so soon after being left to question Travis~Kun.
Aphmau~Sempai replied, "Yes, Travis has something to tell you, don't you?"
"Yes, I do." Travis~Kun continued, "I have been unwillingly questioned by Aphmau and it turns out that my crush likes me back. I am assuming that you were in on the plan Kawaii~Chan?"
"What gives Travis~Kun that impression?" Kawaii~Chan asked, innocently.
"It might be that you steered Katelyn away just before Aph started asking me questions about my crush but it may well be just me being me."
"Maybe Kawaii~Chan did, maybe Kawaii~Chan didn't. Travis~Kun and Katelyn~Sama will never know!"

Katelyn's POV

There was all this hocus pocus going on about who was involved in this that and the other and nothing about what they were trying to say so I, being the strong woman I  am, decided to say, "You guys are saying all this nonsense about who was involved in this, who said what and this that and the other, but no one is actually saying what is needed to be said. Can someone please tell me what you guys are trying to say!"
"Of course I can. I, Travis, have a crush on you, Katelyn, and Aph has been asking me questions about who my crush is, trying to figure out if it was you."
"And eventually, I gave up. I asked him who his crush was and he made me promise not to tell them. I said that I would promise to only tell them if I knew that they had a crush on them and that was good enough for my not-alone-buddy. He told me it was you Katelyn and then I immediately shouted for you guys to come here and at first he was like 'Hold up there missy' like your dad always says but then he got the idea and told me he would tell you two."

Travis' POV

I think all of that information was too much for Katelyn because her brain malfunctioned. She just fainted. After five whole minutes of Aph trying to shake her conscious, she was still asleep. Eventually, Kawaii~Chan called Katelyn's dad and told him that his daughter's brain had malfunctioned. I think that was a bit exaggerated but I guess it got the point across because her dad was there less than two minutes later. He worked out what was wrong with Katelyn and called an ambulance.

I am so sorry it has been so long since I last updated. I really enjoy this story but there's been a lot on my mind recently. I finally got the opportunity to come back to writing and I still really enjoyed being able to become these characters again. I can't thank you enough for reading this. Remember, constructive criticism only!                                                                             -Ginny_Weasley_Rules

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