Zane Introduces His Friend

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Aaron's POV

I was waiting by my locker for Zane because he text me that he had something to tell me which confused me - I'm always the one to tell him things, not the other way round! Suddenly, he appeared behind me and scared me - he is really annoying sometimes. "Guess what Aaron!"
"What's happened now?" I questioned, still a little suspicious of the fact that he had something to tell me.
"I got a girlfriend!"
"I don't believe you. Call her over if you really have one."
"I would but she's with her friends."
"You know what? I don't really care. Call her over."
"You know what? Sure." answered Zane pulling out his phone and actually texting someone. "Hey KC. Can you come here? My mate doesn't believe I have a girlfriend. Thanks."

A few minutes later, a group of three girls and one boy came over. I'm pretty sure one was the girl I sit next to in werewolf class, "Aphmau, is that your name?"
"You are really annoying."
"I know."
"You two know each other?" questioned Zane.
"She is really annoying when we are forced to sit next to each other in class because of her."
"Thank you."
"Ok, Kawaii~Chan thinks this is weird."
"So do I KC, so do I. I didn't know my best mate and my best friend knew one another."
"Ok, strange. Anyway, why did you need KC Zane? We were discussing something that happened after you left the park last night." questioned one of the girls. She had light blue hair and blue eyes. I'm told her name is Katelyn.
"Sorry about that. Zane here told me he has a girlfriend but I don't believe him."
"Aaron~Kun better! Kawaii~Chan is Zane~Kun's new girlfriend!"
"And, who's Kawaii~Chan?"
"That would be the girl who just spoke to you." replied Katelyn, angrily, "I am Katelyn and that doofus next to me is Travis, who is an absolute doofus for your information."
"Ok, you are getting on my nerves now! Stop calling me a doofus! Sorry guys, me and Katelyn need to talk!" exclaimed that Travis-doofus guy.

Travis' POV

This 'doofus' nickname really started to annoy me so I started to tell Katelyn that so she was ok with it and she said that she would only call me doofus when introducing me as 'that doofus next to me' or 'that doofus over there' which was ok with me.

A few minutes later the bell rang so the six of us went to our next class which all of us had with another person in the group so we all had someone to talk to on the jog to class. It took me and Katelyn about three minutes and I am told it took Zane and KC about two minutes at a walk and Aaron and Aph around a minute but werewolf class starts two minutes before the rest of the classes - werewolves (and Aaron and Aph who aren't werewolves so I don't know why they're in werewolf class) have three minutes to get to their first class and the rest of us (that aren't werewolves minus Aaron and Aph) have five minutes to get there.

After first period, we had break. Therefore, we had time to talk about the fact that Aphmau knows Aaron who is Zane's friend. "So, how did Aphmau~Sempai and Aaron~Kun meet?" asked Kawaii~Chan, trying to look innocent but all of us but Zane and Aaron knew full ship mode had activated.
"KC, I know you know a new person that I knew before you who happens to be a boy, but don't go any further into the mode that your in right now. Please." pleaded Aphmau, obviously trying to not get KC to shout 'SHIP!!!!!' at the top of her lungs, "Basically, first day of werewolf class, I was late and everyone knows that if your late to your first of one class you don't get to choose where you sit and obviously, this idiot didn't have a person sitting next to him and I am forced to sit next to him for the rest of his time in high school. A-ron is in the year above us KC, Travis and Katelyn."
"Oh, ok." murmured Katelyn.

After a few minutes of silence, I broke the ice saying something along the lines of, "So, what do you enjoy doing Aaron? Do you have any hobbies? I personally like obsessing over one girl but that can't happen any more seeing as we're dating now..."
"Oh, I enjoy well, I can't really recall any hobbies I have. I like obsessing over a girl though..." Aaron replied obviously not wanting to tell me who so I didn't press about that. "So, Travis was it? Sorry if that was wrong I'm terrible at names. That's why I asked if Aph's name was Aphmau earlier. Who are you dating? I'm definitely actually interested and not asking so I can humiliate you about it later. Please tell me!"
"OMG, you press that so much!" exclaimed Katelyn.
"I know what you mean." I stated.
" I shall tell you, Aaron. I helped get them together anyway. Actually, I think I should get Zane to guess." explained Aphmau.
"Ok. I guess I can do that. When did they get together?"
"After you left the park last night." I answered.
"Oh, so, Katelyn then?"
"Obviously! And Katelyn~Sama totally didn't have one of her brain malfunctions afterwards." exclaimed KC.
"KC! You weren't meant to tell anyone that wasn't there about that!" accused Katelyn, looking ticked off and beautiful.

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