Chapter 7

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                                                               :Backpack/Liam Plecak's POV:

I wake up after sleeping soundly all those hours last night, my legs hurt a bit, I didn't lay very comfortably as you could probably guess. I got up, getting used to moving again as I walked past a few buildings, picking up whatever small bits of loose change and 1 dollar bills I could on my morning stroll. I'd need a lot more money than this to get to where I plan to go, but all is well, I'll work towards it as well as possible.

I pause, hiding myself near a dumpster in an alley and counting the money I had collected so far, about 3 dollars and some change. It isn't a lot, but it's enough to feed me tonight. I get back up, continuing to walk and hoping to find more change. I did find a couple more dollars worth of change before stopping for a while. I put the money I had found into one of my pockets so nobody would take any of it from me, and slumped down against a lamp post. My head hurt a lot, but I didn't want to ask for any help, not that anyone would assist me anyways. I just sat against the lamp, mostly out of the way of people walking past. A few people looked towards me with concern, but nobody really helped at all.

                                                             :Stone/Asher's POV:

I open my eyes, immediately being flooded with my thoughts, obviously. I stare right through my little space, trying to calm my brain down and to think of one thing and one thing only... I thought about Liam. I knew what was happening to him, and I felt awful about it, maybe I could've changed the future... No, no I couldn't have. There couldn't have been another way this could go.

I focus on Soda Bottle, trying not to consider the past too much. I see him.. right now, working as hard as he can at his job, overtime, huh, Brent? At least he does get that promotion... I'm happy that he does well later on. That vision of Brent and Liam, though... I can't wait for that day, I see myself there.. everyone looks so happy. I shouldn't say much, honestly. Like I said before, it'll happen eventually.

I know, that soon. Liam will make his way there, for a fact, I know this... soon they will be in eachother's arms. I feel euphoric seeing such a thing, but.. I do feel... jealous. They do really care for and even... love eachother, I want that for myself, but I know it won't happen any time soon.

I think of Amelia, that teal colored candle back at the Plane. I see her alongside that Charlotte girl.. they seem happy together, I can't even tell if they're just close friends, or-- no, it likely isn't like that.

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