Chapter 10.

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                                         : Scenty/Amelia's POV :

I wake up, horribly tired, and yet... alarmed. What was I thinking about yesterday? Was it yesterday? What is this place... All my thoughts, running through my head, what was going on anymore?

I realized I was leaning on the plug, nearly stood up. I wasn't before, was I? Did I move at some point? Regardless, I got up fully, looking around across the fields of the plane, and... at the forest. Something in me wanted to walk there, I don't even know why, but, I obeyed my thoughts, and... I found myself moving towards the mass of trees.

Minutes later, I found myself standing near the lake, staring at the bubbles coming up from it... Why were there even bubbles on the surface of the lake? Was someone drowning? I stared, reaching a hand slowly into the water. Seconds later, I felt it being grabbed, as I tried pulling, whatever it was up...

...Oh, it's Circle.

We pause, looking at eachother for a moment as he was still slightly submerged. I pulled him out the rest of the way. I attempted to talk to him, of course, what was I supposed to do?


"Hello." Was that, the only response? I mean, I guess I get it, does he... have any friends? We slowly trailed off into a bit of a conversation, there was something about this conversation, it felt, at least comfortable, if not... nice. Not nice like a conversation with Charlotte, but... nice.

We seemed to talk longer though. Longer than I did with her, is it, safe to say she made me a tad nervous? In a good way, of course. I couldn't tell if it... really was what I said. Do I feel that way about her?-


I paused. I... hadn't been called that in a while, huh. I looked at him, however he knew that, name. It didn't matter.

"Are you alright?"

"..Yeah, I'm..."


                                       : Stone/Asher's POV :

It's been a week.

A week since I'd seen Liam back to his home, his life. A week since this started...

...What started?

I breathed in, instinctively, I know if I could scream, I would, but instead, I just sighed. Running through my thoughts... Seeing Scenty talking to someone. Someone other than Moldy... At least it seems to be a nice conversation... Had to be, if they were going on so long. I looked into what Liam was doing as well, walking... How long had he been walking? His legs were quivering like it had been hours, but... had it? He wasn't going to walk all the way to Bridgeport on his own...

He couldn't do that if he wanted to.

Everything about the Plane. I would go back, truly I would...

...It wasn't time, Stone. It wasn't time. I tried to tell myself. I insisted, even... It wasn't time to go back. They need to solve this on their own.

...Solve this on their own.

...Can they?

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