Chapter 14

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(authors note; thanks for being so patient with me yall!! with how one went so far this is now just a full on complete au. sorry ,:D)

                                            Liam Plecak/Backpack's POV

It's been weeks, hasn't it.

My feet almost drag along the stained, grey carpet floors of Bryce's apartment. I chose to come here, of all places, I knew where Amelia lived, I'm sure she'll be back by the time it would take me to get to Yakima by car, but at the same time, I can't drive and there's no way in hell Bryce would drive me all the way there, and I'd rather throw myself off the golden gate then hitch-hike again.

I lean back against the wall, letting my legs pathetically give out as I uncomfortably slid down and fell onto the floor. Even after finding Bryce and living with him, it feels like my life ended a long time ago. My life ended all those months ago when I was teleported to the plane. I don't feel important to anyone anymore. I don't feel alive, I feel like anything inside me disappeared after the 7 months on the plane, my friends at home still think I'm dead, the government thinks I'm dead...

...Maybe I am.

That sounds horrible for me to say, honestly, but... Even Bryce is barely around anymore, I sound greedy and horrible, but I hate this. I feel dead. People think I'm dead. I think I'm dead.

...I, just want everyone else to be safe so I can put the Plane and everything behind me.

                                        Amelia Euler/Scenty's POV

I stare up towards the horrible sun, the awfully blue sky, I just want to go home, is that safe to say anymore? Is that even possible? It'll happen eventually, especially with only five of us left at this point, but...

The challenges got more and more dull and easy as time went on, as if even Airy didn't want to do this anymore, as much as I wanted to go home, I just... Didn't want to leave. With how long it's been, I know I'll have nowhere to go, I'll be homeless, jobless, carless, and friendless if I'm even considered alive, and so will everyone else recently eliminated. I keep staring between the other four left on the plane. None of them, just like me, wanted to be here anymore, Tray was only animate for the challenges at this point, Whippy and Subway were simply distracting themselves now, and Circle was just... paranoid. Just like I was.

I looked up at the sky once again, bracing myself for the inevitable return of Airy for the next challenge, that last one almost suffocated me, so I'm hoping this one is at least... a bit less dangerous.

Even then, I don't care anymore. Danger just means I'll die, I don't even remember what happened after my first death, but whatever it is, it'll be better than being here any longer.

..I should've just done that a long time ago.

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