Chapter 12.

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                             : Moldy/Charlotte's POV :

...Hours. That challenge lasted hours.

Or was it only a few minutes? God, I couldn't tell for the life of me. The only crappy part is that we lost... How did we even lose? I know I didn't mess up. I'm one of the only ones that do the challenges right. I never mess /anything/ up.

Regardless, if I know it wasn't me, who could it have been? I can't blame Subway, he can't do much anyway. Do I blame one of the other two? Do I not blame anyone? Why am I so pressed about this?

I sigh, deeply annoyed at this point. Walking off and letting my mind run. There's only two ways this could go, I kept thinking. Two ways... Either I go home and get to see Parker and the others again, get to start working for my treatment like I wanted... Or I keep competing hoping to win the dumb prize so I can get the money fast and go home. The only difference is that I'd either go home or stay here, I'm getting that damned money either way.

...But then, if I don't get out, who will? Who in my team deserves it more than I do? I've been nothing but cruel, and rude and crappy to all of them during all this. I've treated them all like garbage, especially Whippy and Subway... Now that I think about it, I've not really done anything horribly rude to Circle, but I guess that's just because we work together. I'd think of it as almost an act of mercy for any of my teammates to go home, except for him. I've heard how his home was, sounds like a death sentence.

Wasn't too long before I realized I had circled the entire place halfway, nearly bumping into the plug as I walked. Stupid, garbage planet. What kind of place needs something like this to stay up? I wanted to keep walking, I really did but... I just felt stuck there, thinking, thinking is horrible. I hate it.

...I hate thinking.

                               : Liam Plecak/Backpack's POV :

...Where am I?

It'd felt like I'd been walking for a horrific amount of time, hours?... Must've been. Maybe I should actually give him a call, huh... I'm not sure if he'd know my number, no, scratch that, he'd definitely not know my number. But, he seems like the type to answer a random number... Maybe.

I almost didn't care how my legs felt, as I kept walking, dialing the number on the sticky note that Stone had given to me. Hesitating... Why am I hesitating? We know eachother, once he knows its me, we'll talk. So why am I reconsidering...

I ended up pressing the call button, but, nearly immediately regretting it afterwards.

"...Who the hell is calling me at 1 am."

"...Soda bottle?"

All I could hear is static silence for a moment, before I ended up trying to start up talking.

"It's... Me. It's Backpack." I kept considering during this, maybe it wasn't a good idea. Maybe calling him so late was rude of me... No it was definitely rude of me, but, the good kind of rude. I needed this, I think we both did...

"You got home? How long has it been?.. And how did you get my number?"

"Yeah, long story... And, Stone gave it to me. I just thought it might be good to call, we haven't talked in... god knows how long anymore, y'know?"

We did end up talking, and we talked for... quite a while, gotta say. he was mostly just worried for me, which... I was grateful for, even if I don't like being a burden, someone I know caring if I'm okay is... nice.

"...Then I'll see you next week."


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