Chapter 2

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"(y/n)!" Beomgyu gets my attention and I turn around worried they could read my mind.

"Yes?" I give him my undivided attention.

"So will you go on this group date with us?" He asked hoping it would be a yes.

"Um... like... Me being a 9th or 11th wheel?" I asked hoping for someone to clarify because I obviously missed something from the conversation they were having.

"No, we want to set you up with someone," Hukai laughs.

"Were you not paying attention to the conversation?" Taehyun asked. 

"Obviously not if I asked that question" I sent him with the same energy and attitude making him stick his tongue out at me and mean mug me. Yeonjun was hiding his smirk since I was not completely present because of his text.

"Anyway... answer the question" Soobin leans towards me, stealing a banana from my plate.

"Um... Sure who are you thinking of setting me up with?" I looked over at Yeonjun and saw nothing but rage in his eyes. I smirked knowing how it was affecting him.

"Well... I would like to set you up with one of our seniors" I turned around to think about it without anyone staring at my face. I thought of the best response to get under Yeonjuns skin.

"Who do you have In mind all your seniors at the company are gay." I took a sip of the drink I had just poured as they all looked at me flabbergasted. My phone buzzed and I Smirked at the message Yeonjun sent me but I ignored it right in front of his face.

"WHAT?" They all yelled at the same time.

Yeonjun and I were not dating in any way.  We would just have sex, so I guess you could call us fuck buddies.  I didn't feel bad for doing this because I know for a fact, he has been fucking other girls while fucking me. I was starting to have fun getting under his skin and him getting a taste of his own medicine.

I looked down at my watch and set my cup down.

"We have 30 minutes to get out the door, let's go!" I pulled Ningning up from the chair and pushed him to his destination while he whined and complained.

The boys all went to get dressed as Yeonjun was already dressed for work.  I went to my room to finish my hair when I heard the door open and close a little too rough, making me smirk and get into character.

*Oh he is mad and I am going to have fun*

"What the fuck (y/n) you are just going to go on a date with someone and talk about it in front of me like that?" He growled at me through gritted teeth pushing me up against the wall and pinning my arms above my head.

"Yeonjun we are not dating; we are just fucking around. You have said it many times, so that means I can do whatever I want to do.  I don't belong to you." I braided my hair back and put lipgloss on before turning to him and smiling, sending him an air kiss.

"Let's go everyone pile in the car please!" I take my things and we all head to work.

*Scene Change to a huge modern office... Parking lot*

"Okay everyone got everything for the day?" I ask and unbuckle myself to get out of the car. Everyone is gathering their things and waiting for everyone to be ready so we can all walk in together.

We all walked in together and heard whispers and murmurs. Soobin winked at the group of girls calling his name with his hands in the pocket of his khaki slacks. His killer dimples on display to kill them, and on top of that, he skipped his contacts today and was wearing his glasses.

Taehyun went straight to get coffee and started flirting with the barista as he does every day. I have recently found out she is his date and they have been talking a lot. Taehyun is a one-person type of guy.

Beomgyu was stumbling in and tripped catching the attention of the super sweet receptionist. The both of them are too shy to actually talk in person but he has been texting her every so often. He is going on a date with her before the group date they have planned.

Kai was pulled away by his quirky girlfriend. They have only been together for about 3 months and both of them are still super shy and super new to relationships in general. It's cringy but cute and we all have to have a lot of patience for both of them since they are both full of energy all the time.

Yeonjun and I shake our heads bidding our goodbyes to the boys as we all disappear to our assigned departments. 

Yeonjun and I worked on the 8th floor in design/photography/editing, and anything having to do with art.  My title was brainstormer.  Our boss wanted his Startup to be modern, so he came up with funky titles for each position.  Yeonjun worked in that department as well.

*A little too close to me actually.* 

He was our creator.  I would tell him a vision I had in my head for the project and he would put it on paper for me.  I honestly think he did the hard part.  I am pretty sure that's when I started falling in love with him.

*Wait, did I just say I fell in love with him? Oh God, I did*

I walked over to my desk, clocked in, and looked over my schedule for today.  It was pretty much empty which made me a little suspicious.

"(y/n)! Yeonjun!  I need you in my office." Our department boss called us.  I took all the things I would think I needed and walked over to Mr. Kim's office.

Mr. Kim, Kim Namjoon... Tall Handsome intelligent man. Very work-oriented and has a passion for the outdoors. He has killer dimples like Soobin and the best toothy smile I think anyone has seen. He was very charismatic but not in a flirty way and he was really nice to everyone on the floor. He called us a Team instead of him taking all the credit. He was the best leader I have ever met.

"Hi Mr.-"

"Namjoon" he corrected me quickly as he was a very laid-back boss.

"Okay, Namjoon, is there something you need?" I asked as Yeonjun made his way into the office.

"Yes, I need you and Yeonjun on the first flight to L.A. for a project.  I was supposed to go but my husband planned a trip with our 4 kids and if I miss another one I am pretty sure he will divorce me." I giggled.  I loved the relationship Namjoon had with his Husband and the 4 kids they are raising.

"Yes sir, you can count on me!" I say hiding my laughter. 

"You can also count on me Joon" Yeonjun smiled and looked down at me.

"Okay great I will email you the plane tickets personally after my assistant sends them to me and I will see you when you come back." He dismissed us making us go to our computers and clock in as a business trip.  Yeonjun was standing behind me and saw what I was doing. 

"Do you need something?" I asked turning my chair around to face him.

"Yeah your lingerie size baby" He smirked and I lifted my leg to kick him but he stopped it right in front of his crotch.

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