Chapter 9

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* Random narrator*

While (Y/N) and Yeonjun had a pretty good ending to the current obstacle in front of them they still had a lot more to overcome. As for the rest of them.... 

We will start with Beomgyu!

Beomgyu was too shy to talk to Abby when they first started talking. They now love each other dearly and can not go a day without talking. Abby turned out to be just as much as a crackhead as Beomgyu which made him fall harder. They were ban from having sex in the house when people are around and that's all the information you need on that situation. 

Taehyun and Lydia are still going strong but bicker a lot since they have the same attitude and fiery passion for everything. Taehyun learned it is best not to piss her off and they always end up in a heated make-out session that escalates quickly after arguing. Lydia finished college with Taehyuns help and is now working in the company as well. 

Kai and Julie can never keep their hands off each other. They do Youtube videos together and are CEOs of a quickly growing gaming team and company. Kai was the first one to move out but comes over everyday for breakfast. They recently got a dog and are so in love with the dog which made their relationship stronger. 

Soobin was the second one to move out. He was also the first one to have a kid. Nelly softened up a lot with him and she was only known as scary to people that didn't know her. Soobin started his own start up company and is super successful with that. Namjoon works for Soobin as does Beomgyu, Taehyun, Lydia, (Y/N) and Yeonjun. Kai helps when he can for no cost. 

Stacy has been locked up in a stricter and higher security long term mental facility. Rumors are said that she fell in love with one of her doctors and has completely forgotten about Yeonjun and (Y/N). 

The Company in LA was rebuilt and for a while (Y/N) and Yeonjun went back and forth to help them rebuild staffs and all the projects they lost. 

Namjoon and Jin have recently just adopted another child in need and say they will keep adopting those in need until they  can not help no longer. 

Everything turned out pretty good but the one thing that remains the same. Everyone meets at (Y/N) and Yeonjuns house for breakfast every single morning. Even as they add new members to the family. 


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