Chapter 4

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*Scene change to the Airport*

I was sitting in a chair next to Yeonjun waiting for Namjoon and his assistant to bring us our plane tickets. Namjoon said he would email them to us but wanted to send us off properly so he was bringing them.

"(Y/N)?" I look over to him calling my name.

"Yes?" I question suspiciously.

"I want to lay everything out here right now. I really like you and I want to try at least winning you over while we are in LA together. Would you allow me to do that?" I smiled trying to hold back a deep blush that was creeping to my cheeks.

"I would like that Yeonjun" I smiled shyly. Namjoon made it looking disheveled. His husband was holding their younger two kids in his arms while Namjoon had one clinging to his leg and the other on his back.

"Sorry we are late but we have everything ready for you. I hope you can help our partners and I really appreciate you two doing this for me. Here are your tickets and Itinerary." He handed us the paperwork and bid his goodbyes. I went to pick up my bag but Yeonjun stopped me and threw it over his shoulder.

Boarding the plane we finally looked at our seats on the ticket while walking down the aisle looking for them.

"Look (Y/N) we get to sit together" he smiled and moves out of the way so I sit by the window of the plane.

"Don't get any funny business Ideas on this long-ass flight." He chuckled and buckled himself in.

"No promises baby girl you just look so good today. No promises." He got comfortable and placed his hand on my thigh. I scoffed and pushed it off rolling my eyes super dramatically.

Time skip

We got to L.A. safe and sound. Yeonjun was sweet and helped me when I got motion sick. He helped distract me when I started to feel dizzy. He also cuddled me when I fell asleep. He really was trying and everything was going great so far.

*I was a little sus about all of this*

We got to the hotel and Yeonjun talked Namjoon into letting us share a room. I have no idea how but it got done. So we entered the room and had time to relax.

"How much time until our meeting?" He asked me.

*You have a phone and a watch*

"Um... 2 hours" I replied looking at my own watch.

"Okay then" he jumped into bed next to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him raising my eyebrow.

"I am cold so I need body heat baby" he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine as his voice was an octave lower.

He nibbled on my ear causing me to give in. I turned my head and kissed him.

*Cue romantic sensual music*

He pulled me into his lap straddling his legs as he was leaning against the headboard. The kiss got intense and I moaned in his mouth making him smirk. He pulled my shirt off and undid my bra. He broke the kiss to twirl his tongue around my left nipple then taking it into his mouth and sucking.

"Ah... Yeonjun" I moaned. He took his shirt off and we got completely undressed.

He was kissing up to my ear when he whispered the hottest thing ever.

"Ride me baby girl" I had a baby girl kink and that's when I melted into his hand.

*He was too good when it came to making me melt like butter*

I kissed him again our tongues dancing as I slid down on his hard member. We both moaned as he got deeper and deeper in me. I started moving slowly as he watched my every movement biting his bottom lip. He leaned his body forward kissing The Valley of my breast leaving hickeys.

"You are so fucking beautiful" He whispered on my lips then kissed me. It was a different feeling type of kiss.

"Yeonjun..... I-I am c-close" I whimpered out when he started slowing his hips and I tried to speed up mine.

He pulled me close our chest pressed together and his arms around me tightly.

"Let go baby" he whispered on my lips as I tensed and tightened around his member releasing all over him. My orgasm caused him to orgasm as he kissed me harder moaning into my mouth.

We stayed in that position for a while my head on his shoulder and him leaving lazy kisses every so often on my lips.

"(Y/n)... I know I have a really bad past but I have never felt this way about anyone else. I really am in love with you and have been for way longer than you would know." I hid my face in his neck smiling big.

*This was super out of character for him but at the same time, this was the real and vulnerable side. Is the background music still working?*

"Yeonjun I am in love with you too and actually have been for a while as well." He was so happy he turned us over hovering his upper body over mine in a sitting position as I laid on my back in the bed.

"Really? You aren't playing with me?" I shake my head.

"I am not playing I truly feel that way about you." He smiled kissing me but smiling and giggling into the kiss.

My alarm went off signaling we had to start getting ready for our meeting. He got up and pulled me into the shower with him.

"Yeonjun we didn't even get to nap" I whined walking out of the room with my hair still wet from the shower.

"I will get you coffee in the lobby" He laughed ruffling his equally wet hair and taking my hand in his pressing the elevator button.

We got to the lobby and he walked up to the coffee shop. He ordered my drink perfectly making me super surprised.

"Wow, you know my coffee drink order? Impressive!" I giggled placing the straw in my cup.

"I know a lot more orders than just your coffee order."

* This is super cliche but at the same time super cute. I want to make myself throw up at the fluff. Cue upbeat pop music.*

Side stories back home with the random narrator

Taehyun was hanging out with Lydia all day today after work. They went to a bunch of places together and were having a good time. Taehyun had plans to go to a street fair with Lydia and do everything the fair had to offer. Including eat until they explode.

Beomgyu was sitting on a park bench waiting for Abby with two smoothies in his hands. He was starting to get antsy but when he spotted Abby walking to him with a picnic basket his heart melted and his eyes softened while a huge cheesy smile spread across his face. He was in love and the universe knew it.

Kai was sitting on the couch at home with Julie between his legs while they both played video games. Kai was letting Julie win and when she realized she pushed him down playfully and started gently punching his chest and tickling him. The tickle fight turned into their first kiss bringing out a new side of the relationship.

Soobin and Nelly were finally going on a date. Soobin planned out a super cute but lazy date on a boat. Nelly was starting to melt at how cute and Romantic Soobin could be. Nelly also found it super reassuring how Soobin would never look at anyone except her and always made sure everyone knew he was interested only in her. He had cartoon heart eyes for her and her only but Nelly returned the feelings.

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