Chapter 3

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*Scene change to home with my internal monologue in a meltdown*

I was really overthinking everything when we all got home. None of the boys knew anything about Yeonjun and me and after today I was confused more than anything. It was never really spoken if we were fuck buddies or more.

I got home to pack after the day ended and I needed to talk to someone. I walked into Taehyun's room and laid in the bed next to him. I put my head on his shoulder, holding his arm and holding his hand.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked worriedly about putting his phone down. I saw his screen and he was texting Lydia the barista which was why he was so smiley and in a good mood.

"Everything I say stays right here, got it" he nodded his head.

"Yeonjun and I have been fucking... I don't really know if it means anything but he got mad at the idea of you guys setting me up on a date with another guy and I think we both are feeling something. We now have to go on a business trip to LA together and I don't know how to feel, what to think, or anything. I feel like I am going crazy. The worse part is I felt like I would be judged or you would kill him if I told you or anyone else in the house" I got up from the bed and was pacing back and forth.

"You are stupid for thinking that. We are all super protective of you but we can not control you or who you fall for. All we can really do is give you advice, lend you a listening ear, and a shoulder to cry on when you need it" We were now sitting on his bed while he tried to wrap his brain around everything.

"Thanks boo," I smiled sadly.

"So let's try and figure this out. You are telling me that you fell for him and you think he feels the same way but you are scared and you have been fucking for 3 months without anyone knowing." He asked, looking for clarification.

"Yes," I nod my head and bite my bottom lip scared.

"Well, the only thing I can really think of is, on this trip see what everything feels like and maybe act as a normal couple if that is what you want."

"Do you think it will work?" I was scanning my brain for every possible scenario that could happen very vividly.

*Thought bubble please*

*scenario one: We date he cheats I cry. Scenario two: I confess he laughs and I cry. Scenario three: The planet explodes after I confess and we all die. Scenario four: Everything goes okay*

"We will never know until you try it." He burst my thought bubble and shook his head. I knew he was right and I hated that.

I started packing thinking of how everything will start tomorrow morning at the airport!

*On the other side of things*

Random narrator

While (Y/N) and Yeonjun were having problems the boy's lives were anything but perfect.

Beomgyu was trying to really get to know this Abby girl but his shy nature around new people especially girls made it super hard. Abby being the same way didn't help either. He had a message all typed out to send to her but kept deleting everything he wrote. He was getting frustrated with his mind overthinking and just sent the last message with no hesitation or regret.

Kai was out with Julie at the skatepark planning to get ice cream after. He was nervous but wanted to kiss her even if it was a peck on the cheek. They were both pretty clueless but the feelings they both had for each other were real. He took Julie's hand and kissed the top of it helping her up to go get Ice cream.

After Taehyun helped (Y/N) with her Yeonjun problem he called Lydia on Facetime wanting to talk to her about where things are going and his feelings. Lydia reciprocated everything and made her own confession making Taehyun fall harder. They planned a date but stayed up talking until Lydia fell asleep first.

Soobin was at Yeonjun's house helping him, but he was also talking to Nelly. They had met a few weeks ago. She was new to the company and rejected Soobin a bunch of times before giving in but with very strict rules and conditions. Basically, Soobin was on probation with Nelly but he was super whipped for her and she really liked him.

Yeonjuns POV

"Soobin I have a huge problem dude but promise me you won't kill me." Soobin put his phone down concerned.

"What did you do?" He asked ready for any outcome.

"I fell in love with (Y/N). We have been fucking for 3 months and now we have to go on this trip together and I really have strong feelings for her. I know she feels the same but my past is fucking everything up. I want to confess and I want to be with her forever. Dude I am super whipped for her and I can't see myself with anyone else ever. I lost all romantic interest for everyone if it's not her." Soobin took a deep breath to calm down but then smiled.

"I have known you all my life and you have never talked about anyone like that. I literally mean ever. You have the lovebug super bad." Soobin laughed patting his back a little too hard.

"Soobin I promise not to hurt her... But... what do I do?" We both sat down thinking about all the possibilities and all the solutions.

"Here let's try this. While you are on the trip with her... Why don't you try to court her and see where things go. It's just going to be the two of you. Treat her like you have always wanted to treat her and lay it all out when you two are alone." I nodded liking the Idea. It was super good and sounded like very few things could go wrong.

*I hope everything goes good honestly. I can't lose (Y/N) before even having her. I guess we will find out tomorrow. Cue scene change.*

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