Chapter 5

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*Magical scene change to partners LA office*

At the meeting

We were discussing everything while Yeonjun was trying to draw and change everything we said. Luckily he is quick and was focused on his task.

"Okay well... (y/n), Yeonjun, thank you for coming today but I have dinner reservations so we will pick this up tomorrow." We all shook hands and packed up.

"Let's get some food for ourselves" Yeonjun whispered into my ear taking my bag and then holding my hand intertwining our fingers together.

"Where are we going?" I asked sitting in the company car next to him.

"When I was younger and lived in Cali my uncle loved coming down to LA and eating at this quirky little food truck that combines a lot of different cultural dishes from around the world and making a unique new dish." I heard my stomach grumble when he was explaining the cuisine a little.

"Sounds good" I laughed.

*TIME SKIP to early morning with clear sunny skies and birds chirping like a sappy princess movie*

We got up early made our way to the partner company we were dealing with. Yeonjun was all set up with his pen and iPad while I was getting my notes together.

"I will be back I will go use the restroom before we start." He got up and made his way out of the meeting room.

10 minutes passed and he had not come back. I was worried so I went to investigate. I turned the corner to where the bathrooms were and my heart dropped at the sight of Yeonjun kissing another person.

I couldn't wrap my mind around it. He confessed the day before we had an amazing 24 hours and now he has his tongue pushed down someone else's throat. I nodded and walked away as he tried to catch up. Before he could I was already talking about the project with the group we were working with.

Yeonjuns POV

I was walking to the bathroom when I was stopped by my name being called.

"Omg are you Choi Yeonjun?" She asked. I was confused but nodded.

"Yes, and you are?" I asked politely.

"I am Stacy we used to go to school together way back then!" I had to think but she still didn't come to mind.

"You had an amazing glow-up wow." She complimented me and for the first time ever getting attention from someone that wasn't (y/n) felt very weird and I didn't like it. I was visibly uncomfortable.

She kept coming closer to me trapping me in the hallway.

"Hey, I have a girlfriend that I love so maybe you can back away before she comes over here?" I asked looking over her shoulder to see if someone was watching and would help me.

Before I knew it she had a knife to my throat and was getting closer and closer to kiss me. I closed my mouth quickly and scrunched my face hoping she would stop. But with my luck (y/n) walked around the corner and saw it all.

I tried going after her but when I got to the meeting room she had started so I walked in quietly and sat down waiting to start my part.

The meeting went by so slow and (y/n) ignored me the whole time in the most professional way. I didn't notice my neck got scratched and I was bleeding a little but it was superficial and not a problem. It was really scary watching the minutes pass, I felt my heart break more and more since (y/n) wouldn't even look my way.

* I made up my mind a long time ago that life is not worth living without (Y/N)*

We finished the meeting and planned for the next one. I had an uneasy feeling and I knew once we stepped into the hotel room the elephant in the room would be shot.

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