Chapter 7

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Yeonjuns POV

(Y/n) was really paranoid after that package. I noticed and tried everything to calm her down but nothing was working.

I took (y/n) and ran her a bath hoping that would calm her nerves. I sat in the bathtub with her back against my chest rubbing her super tense shoulders and kissing her neck.

"Baby please try and relax for me" I whispered and kissed the shell of her ear taking her earlobe in between my lips.

"I am trying Yeonjun" She said.

"I have an idea to make you relax a little" I trailed my hands down her torso and spread her legs a little. I ran my hands up and down her thighs in the water. She threw her head back on my shoulder and inhaled shakily closing her eyes. I kissed her exposed neck while rubbing small, slow, and gentle circles on her clit. I took my other hand and twisted her nipple in between my fingers.

"Y-yeonjun" She said shakily.

"Shhh baby relax and let the pleasure take over." I kissed her cheek and quickened my movements. Her body was starting to relax but tense at the same time.

"B-babe" She moaned out. I entered two fingers and kept rubbing her clit with my thumb while her body tensed and she released the pleasure taking over her senses. Her eyes rolled back and her hips settled back down to the bottom of the tub.

"Do you feel better?" I whispered kissing behind her ear. She nodded still trying to get her breathing under control.

"Thank you"

I had (Y/n) in between my legs on the couch in the living room watching Hotel Transylvania 1,2,3 since it's her favorite movie but her brain started over working again. So I took her to bed and started rubbing her skin lightly. I took my phone and put 13 going on 30. She loves romcoms and she loves this one. That actually calmed her down and I was stress-free now.

"Baby it will be okay I promise." I kissed her head as she turned to me and put her head in my chest.

"I know but I am scared. I finally have you I don't want anything bad to happen to any of us. Even my boys." I understand her worry. It was very valid and I felt awful.

"No one will do anything to you if I have a say in it." I pecked her pouty lips and turned off the lamp.

"Let's go to bed beautiful"

I woke up from a terrible nightmare. I saw (y/n) laying next to me peacefully asleep. She always looks like an angel sleeping and it always makes me happy and soft.

I kissed her cheek and whispered I Love you before walking to the kitchen for a glass of water. On my way, I ran into the others with Julie on Kai's lap on the floor. Nelly in Soobins arms back hugging her while Lydia and Abby were talking to eacho there sitting on the counter with Taehyun and Beomgyu standing between their legs.

"Hey, why is everyone up?" I asked as they sat scattered around the kitchen with cups of water in their hands.

"No one rests easy when (y/n) is stressed. She takes care of us all and loves us all and does so much that when big things happen to throw her off we all get worried even if she tells us not to." Beomgyu leaned in to Abby as Taehyun was hugging Lydia.

"I know I just had a nightmare worried about her." She really has a big impact on all of our lives. It's crazy." I said between gulps.

"Yeonjun what are we going to do about this? Do you know who we are dealing with?" I sighed and put my water down.

"I actually do and it's a scary situation. She is the reason we moved back here. She scared me and was obsessed with me. I would go home and cry every day after school. They transferred her classes but that didn't stop her. I was 9 guys it was scary." They all listened intently with no visible emotion.

"So we are dealing with a psycho?" Taehyun asked.

"Sadly yes." We all shared glances at each other pretty frightened.

"Yeonjun what will happen if she confronts one of us or finds you and (Y/N) we cant risk anything right now." I nodded listening to all the worried thoughts.

"I know guys I know... lets just try to provided a stress free environment as much as possible. This is really affecting (Y/N) in a bad way.

"Anything for (y/n)" Soobin said kissed Nellys head.

"Okay lets all go to bed" Taehyun pulled Lydia off the counter as did Beomgyu and everyone left to their rooms. I stayed outside thinking a little longer before walking back into the room and falling back asleep with (Y/N) in my arms.

"I promise not to let anyone hurt you... I love you way to much too let the happen.

2 weeks have passed and everyone is on edge. Every tiny little thing makes us all aware of our surroundings. I was hitting the gym with the boys and their seniors which caused me a great deal of anxiety to leave (y/n) alone. Right at that moment, I got a notification from the camera we installed in the house. I had moved in, in the last few weeks to keep everyone together and safe.

The camera showed a random person at the door

"Boys we need to go now!" Kai said as he showed us (y/n) crying on FaceTime. I turned on the audio of the camera and the person was yelling my name.

"It's Stacy!"

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