8 | Running B-Day Errands

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Instagram story posted by Naomi:

Instagram story posted by Naomi:

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*Mason Bridget replied to your story*

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*Mason Bridget replied to your story*

He'll be clubbing in no time

Don't say that


Text messages between 'queen scar' and 'NyNy'
(2 people)

Queen scar:
Morning love, was thinking of heading
Downtown to run some errands and get lunch
Would you like to come with?

Definitely I need a few things as well
Just need like thirty minutes to get ready
Then I'm good.

Queen scar:
Alright let's say meet at the front desk in thirty

Sounds good to me


After quickly getting herself and Zach ready, Naomi grabbed her phone, keys and purse. Hastily leaving her apartment to meet Scarlett downstairs. The elevator doors pulled apart and Naomi instantly spotted Scarlett stood in the corner near a huge potted plant.

Scarlett instantly looked up as Naomi walked over to her. The two Women greeted eachother with a smile and a hug before leaving the inside of their apartment building. Walking out into to bright LA day.

"Oh wow there's one thing I love about La and that's the weather" Naomi gushed looking up at the almost cloudless sky. "Maybe we should walk, it's not that far and it's a nice day so why not?" Scarlett stated looking towards Naomi who was nodding loving the idea.

"Definitely but I need to get the stroller from my trunk first" Naomi pulled her keys from her purse twirling the metal loop around her finger as her and Scarlett walked through the small parking lot.

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