Chapter 6 'Payback'

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Chapter 6 'Payback'

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

"Beth, take care of Raven. If anything happens than you have to contact us, and we'll leave this town immediately," My father informed me while Raven and I were getting out of the car. We both were wearing jeans, tank tops, and a hoodie over that.

"Love you guys, we'll come straight home after school," I told me parents and Aunt Lucinda. She and Raven were feeling much better after I healed both of them. Me, was just really cold during the whole night, stupid virus, but now I feel all better.

"Blake, you have to have skin contact with Elizabeth in order for her to feel the bond," I heard Emily say to her brother in the mind link.

I quickly switched mine and Raven's scent. I didn't want to do this to Raven, but I know I'm going to regret it later.

"Raven, 911 with mate, he needs to make skin contact with me so I can feel the bond. I switched our scents and keep your hood on so he thinks that I'm you," I quickly informed Raven.

She looked at me under her hood but didn't have enough time to say anything. Emily put a hand on my shoulder while Blake wrapped his arms around Raven and tried to touch her hand, but Raven was fighting back.

"Hey, you must be Raven Knight. My name's Emily and I'm guessing your Elizabeth's friend?" Emily asked me. I looked up at her face and her eyes widened in shock. I was happy, and quickly hid my eyes so she couldn't see that they changed to Sapphire, or blue, color.

"No, your brother is the one with my cousin. Raven, we have to go," I looked at Raven. Blake froze in his place, giving Raven a chance to slip out from Blake's arms.

I quickly switched our scents back to normal and ran inside with Raven right behind me. Raven had a huge smile plastered on her face.

"This is the first set of werewolves that haven't tried to hurt you," Raven said. Sadly she didn't say it quiet enough, and I knew that the Beta, or principle, heard Raven.

We both walked into the office, and Principle Dougy had a smile on his face. In his head he was going to inform Blake, Emily, and Rick what he just heard Raven say.

A smile appeared on my face when Mr. Dougy thought if Raven was a witch or not. I wanted to laugh at that, but then he would get suspicious. Raven's not a witch, but when I first added my blood with her all she gained was being as smart as a witch.

That night wasn't to good, her head was pounding all night because of my witch genes. Since Raven already has my witch genes, it will never hurt her if I give her some more of my blood, but I will never give anyone else my blood.

Principle Dougy handed Raven her schedule, and had a smile on his face the whole time while looking at me. Once I read his mind my face turned to a ghostly pale while my eyes turned Bronze/Copper, or Brown, for scared.

Rick, Emily, and Blake now all had the same classes as me and Raven. This day is going to be interesting.


I was so happy by the time last period came. Blake didn't try anything with me or Raven, and everyone else left us two alone.

"Time for the show," I informed Raven once I saw my target walk in.

"This will prove why no one wants to get on a witches bad side, not even me," Raven replied back. It's true though, Raven got on my bad side once and it was quite funny how she woke up with pink hair, and pink doesn't suit Raven at all.

Once the boy went to sit down, I heated up his seat for him. He quickly yelled like a little girl and jumped off his seat. Everyone started laughing at his reaction, even the teacher.

He bend down to pick his paper up, that fell on the floor, and I made a noise near his pants and it sounded like he ripped them.

The classroom could not stop laughing after that, and the boy's cheeks turned a very bright red. I then made his pants drop to the floor on my command. It wasn't hard cause he wasn't wearing a belt, but I did need to change his boxers to care bears.

He looked beyond shock while everyone in the class was dying from laughter. Raven and I secretly high-fived each other.

"At least Elizabeth didn't get her revenge on you for sneaking into her room," I heard Emily say to her brother through the mind link. Oh yea, I almost forgot that Blake needs to learn a lesson to.

Now lets see, what can I do to Blake that would make up for him breaking into my room? I could turn his hair pink, or better yet.

I put some words, in black, on the back of his shirt so he wouldn't notice. OMG! This is going to be so good once the class finally notices.

Blake's P.O.V.

Jim finally left after all the embarrassment. I was glad that Elizabeth wasn't doing anything to me, and I kept my head clear cause my uncle informed me that witches can also read minds.

That would have been helpful yesterday! When Emily talked to me through the mind link, I was wishing that Elizabeth didn't hear that, cause then she would come after me.

The teacher called me up to the bored, and right before I turned to the class, they all started laughing. I turned around to see Emily and Rick speechless, but also laughing.

"Blake! You have a little something on your shirt!" Rick yelled to me while trying to calm his laughing, before he started laughing again.

I quickly took my shirt off, and i could feel tons of girls staring at my abs. I looked at the back of my shirt, and I was shocked with what was written, or how it even got there.

I'm secretly gay and I love it! Be jealous! :P

That's what was written on the back of my white shirt, and this was big and in black letters. I don't have another shirt with me right now, and I can't get in trouble cause of a certain someone, so I just won't wear a shirt.

It's as simple as that.

I walked back to my seat, and just sat down. Boys in our school have sometimes ripped their shirts, so they just don't wear a shirt, and my uncle is ok with that. He knows how mates can be and as long as we learn, he doesn't care if girls wear bikini's to our school, they've done it before.

I took a couple peeks at Elizabeth while tons of girls kept looking at my chest and abs. Elizabeth didn't even take one glance at me, and my wolf started crying in pain.

Elizabeth looked like an angel right now, but I clearly knew that she was the one that did this today. I noticed how her eyes were a violet color. Then I remembered that piece of paper I found in her room the one day.

I pulled the piece of paper down until I reached Violet (Sugulite), it means Mischievous and Mysterious. Uh Oh! Now I know what this paper was for, every time her eyes changed color this paper would explain what emotion she was feeling. I've got myself a cheat sheet.

I then saw which color was for Love, Pink (Rose Quartz). I'll be sure to keep an eye out for that color in her eyes.

I noticed how the bell was about to ring in a minute. It was either now or never, cause I had no doubt that Elizabeth would do her best to protect me.

Once the bell rang, I quickly ran over to Elizabeth and Raven. I still wasn't wearing a shirt, and right as Elizabeth was about to grab Raven, I moved my hand and I felt electricity go up my whole hand.

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