Chapter 4 'They don't exist'

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Chapter 4 'They don't exist'

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I heard the doorbell ring while I was studying a very funny spell that even made a smile appear on my face. I sensed who was outside, just to find Emily and Rick at my front door. Don't know where Blake is, but I have other things to worry about right now.

I levitated a book in front of me and started mumbling words while Rick and Emily talked with my parents. I could tell my eyes turned blue, because I was using a water spell on them. Making water appear above their heads while throwing my hands in a circle above my head, controlling the water.

Blake's P.O.V.

I was climbing up the side of her house while Rick and Emily stalled just enough time for me to get into her room and hide before she saw me.

I was peeking in through her window when I saw her get up from her bed. I also noticed how she set a book on her bed and just stood in the middle of her room. What in the world was she up to?

Before my eyes, I saw a book float up to her. I also noticed how her eyes were a lovely blue, she then closed her eyes and started mumbling something while she threw her hands above her head in a circle.

I couldn't even catch what she was mumbling, and I'm a werewolf! She raised her hands so gracefully, and quickly thew them to her side.

When they reached her side I heard my sister scream her head off. But it sounded like it was out of shock, not something that could scare her.

"Oh my gosh! Do you need a towel to get dried off?" Elizabeth's mom probably asked my sister. Wait? Wet? What in the world did Elizabeth do? How did Elizabeth even do something like that?

"No, it's fine, but we won't bother you again, thank you," Rick answered back. I was looking at Elizabeth and when I saw her eyes, I was so shocked. Her eyes went from a lovely blue to an orange! How in the world can that happen?

I decided whether I should let her know that I'm here or not, and thought better if not. Who knows what else she could do, what is she even?

I jumped down from the house, and before Elizabeth could see me, I ran into the woods and towards my house. I knew that Emily and Rick would be there waiting for me, but I'm not even sure what I just saw. Maybe my uncle or dad does.


Once I reached my house my sister and Rick were both still dripping wet. They walked inside and when my parents saw them, they were shocked considering it wasn't even raining.

"What the hell happened to you two?" My dad yelled. My mother quickly ran and got some towels for the two of them.

"We don't know, we were just following Blake's plan and all of a sudden, water falls down on us. There wasn't even a window above us or anything," Emily explained.

"Then how in the world did you two get wet?" My father asked. I then made an appearance, not knowing how to really explain this about Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth did it," Everyone jumped from my entrance before I continued, "When I got to her window, she was reading a book on her bed. When she heard you two knocking, she got up from her bed and out of no where, a book flew in front of her face and she started mumbling some words while her hands kept circling above her head before she threw them to her side."

I paused, everyone was about to say something until I remembered something, "Oh! Also when she was sitting on her bed her eyes were blue, and when she opened her eyes after mumbling whatever it was she was reading, they were orange."

Everyone's mouth was now open in shock. I was completely shocked to, I mean, how can a human even do all this stuff? Unless she's not really human? But she definitely smelled human, so what else could she be?

"Dad? What else could she be?" I asked quietly. My dad couldn't even say any words, he kept opening and closing it like a fish.

"A witch," A voice said from behind me. I turned around to find my uncle coming out of his room from downstairs.

"I had a feeling she wasn't human, nothing on her profile, ability to run faster and stronger than a werewolf, more importantly an alpha, super smart, eyes changing colors, and reading spell books and then reciting them, she's definitely a witch," My uncle explained while everyone else tried to process what he was saying.

"B-but that's impossible, there are no more witches alive, they were all killed when humans found out about them and the war broke out," Emily explained, but she was so confused. I think she was mostly trying to convince herself that witches were extinct.

"Well, your uncle sounds right. If she's not a witch then I have no idea what else she could be, but I don't know how she could be a witch. I want all of you to keep an eye on her on Monday, she might do something that proves she's a witch," My father explained to all of us.

"That would also explain why Elizabeth doesn't feel the bond between her and Blake, that and Blake hasn't tried to mate with her yet, or at least have contact with her skin that would let her feel it," My uncle said to me. Which only made me growl at him in response.

"No, but her being a witch explains how she knows that we're all werewolves," I said, and everyone went dead silent. Everyone had their mouths open, well at least I won't have to tell her that I'm a werewolf, but I will have to tell her that I'm her mate.

"We might want to learn more about witches, just in case there's something that Elizabeth can do that we should know about," Rick suggested. Oh yea! I almost forgot one little thing.

"Oh, and Elizabeth said that on Monday she's going to get revenge on someone, hopefully it won't be any of us," I added in. I really don't know why Elizabeth would want revenge on me, the only reason I can think of is sneaking in her room and looking through her stuff, but at least I didn't take any of her underwear. Although, I wasn't really thinking when I was looking through her stuff.

Snap out of it!

"Ew! I would want revenge on you if you took my underwear, so I would laugh if Elizabeth got revenge on you. Considering she dumped water on me and Rick," Emily said. Whoops! Guess I forgot to put my shield up. Silly me.

"Ok, so on Monday Blake has to try and touch Elizabeth's skin so she'll start to feel the connection and won't reject Blake," My uncle said. Yea, I don't want Elizabeth rejecting me either.

"Alright, Blake, over the weekend you'll watch Elizabeth, while Rick and Emily will watch the border. Just in case someone comes over, whether their human or not, all of us should know, and only the five of us," My father ordered.

Yippy! Looks like I actually am going to be watching my mate over the weekend, my wolf wants us to be closer, but at least we'll be able to see and hear her.

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