Chapter 12 'The run'

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Chapter 12 'The run'

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

Blake looked shocked to see me while Raven rushed quickly to his side. Raven looked at me like I was some ghost, not believing I was actually awake during a full moon.

"H-how are you awake?" Raven threw her hands around me and held me tightly. I squeezed her back and was careful with how much I squeezed her. I didn't know how much power I had because I've never been awake on a full moon.

"I'll tell you when we get back from the run or tomorrow morning before school," I said while grabbing Blake's hand. He was giving me a weird look and my smile instantly disappeared. I dropped his hand and before I could stop myself I transported myself upstairs.

"Liz!" I heard Blake yell as he ran up the steps. Tears were rushing down my face and I realized that my powers were messing with my emotions.

I then teleported myself into the forest and sent Blake a message, 'I'm sorry, go to the run I need time to think. I will explain how I'm awake when you get back and I will be fine. Don't even try to argue with me because you're the soon-to-be Alpha and you have to go.'

I closed my mind off from Blake after I sent the message. I headed deep into the forest where I could have a long conversation with myself.

Blake's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe anything that happened. I didn't think Elizabeth would want to come to our run because of her condition, yet she just jumped on my back and looked normal like the first time I met her.

"You should go Blake, everyone's probably waiting," Raven said while trying to push me out the door. I left and headed to the middle of the forest where we always meet up at night for our full moon run.

I could hear my dad making announcements meaning I wasn't that late. My uncle and father both spotted me while my dad was still making his speech. I noticed that Emily and Rick were both near my mother and I headed over towards them.

"There's one more thing I must say before we run," my fathers voice echoed around the whole forest. Everyone was silent as they waited for him to make his announcement.

"My son, your soon-to-be Alpha, has found his mate!" his voice boomed over the whole forest. If Elizabeth was close I bet she could hear it.

Everyone was cheering while looking at me. The people closes to me were hugging me and saying congratulations while I wished Liz was here.

"Where's our soon-to-be Alpha Female?" a voice yelled over the cheering crowd. Everyone quieted down after a guy I remember from school said that. I wanted to rip that guys head off just for saying that because I know he goes to my school and he heard what happened to her.

Rick held me back as he noticed I was about to charge straight into the crowd.

"Control your anger, he's not worth it," Emily whispered to me.

"Something has happened and she is in need of rest, as you all should know she is not a human but a witch and her customs are different than ours!" Uncle Dougy said when my father didn't know what else to say.

The crowd was starting to go crazy and I wanted to go find that guy and tear him to shreds just for saying that about my mate. I then forgot that she wasn't asleep and she wanted to come, but because of me being an idiot and not speaking up she probably thought that I was going to say no. Her mind was open and I felt some of her power and have no clue how she can control that.

"Let's change into our wolves!" my father said, hoping it would calm everyone down if we started our annual run. Not everyone came but lots of people came, and it was required for the Alpha's family to come.

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