Chapter 18 'Going to Grandma's house'

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Chapter 18 'Going to Grandma's house'

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

After the feather incident, Blake and I went to our rooms to go change into clothes that weren't covered in feathers. Well, Blake went to change, I refused to change after I had just taken a shower.

"Did you freeze time again when you were in the shower?" Blake questioned while looking at me. I was gathering the feathers by hand and throwing them out along with the destroyed pillow that only contained not even half the feathers left.

"Yes, I was about to unfreeze it until my grandma came for a visit," I explained. Blake groaned while I snapped my head towards him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

"I'm not sure whether I like your grandma or not, she's nice don't get me wrong, but sometimes she can have the worst timing ever," he replied. I laughed, remembering what his plans were before my grandma barged in on us.

"Well, she's not an ordinary grandma either," I giggled.

"You can say that again," Blake smirked as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me. I leaned into him as my smile stayed on my face.

"But I can't imagine her personality as anything else," I whispered while turning my head to see Blake's reaction. He smiled down at me before pecking me on the lips.

"What else aren't you telling me?" Blake asked. His one eyebrow was raised higher than the other and if I wasn't paying attention I wouldn't have heard him.

"Something my grandma told me, oh and I killed Adam with the help of my grandma, apparently he's been spying on us," I informed Blake. A small smile made its way onto his face at the fact that Adam is now one less problem to worry about.

"What else do we have to worry about?" Blake questioned. I was now turned towards him, not even realizing when Blake had turned me around so I was facing him. We were both whispering as if someone was trying to listen to our conversation.

"The Black and White Magic Spell Books," I whispered, remembering what my grandma told. I felt Blake's finger press underneath my chin, bringing my face up to look at his.

"How badly do you need them?" Blake whispered. Our faces were only a few inches away from each other, our bodies were pressed against each other as my hands layed on his chest, and our breaths could be felt on each other's face.

"They could save me as long as I perform the spell correctly," I responded. I closed my eyes and leaned up onto my toes.

'Elizabeth you have no time at the moment! You must find those books!' my grandmothers voice rang through my head loud and clear. I pulled away and out of Blake's arms while he looked hurt by my reaction.

"Sorry, my grandma might have interrupted again," I explained. I did want to kiss him, but now I was starting to think about what Blake said.

"You're right also, I'm not sure whether I like my grandma at the moment," I complained. Blake started laughing while I playfully glared at him.

"One day, she won't interrupt us," Blake smirked, his eyes darkened a little and I knew his wolf was rising. It was just that simple thought of my grandma not bothering us one day.

I snapped my fingers and appeared in the living room with everyone else. Blake's parents were in the kitchen cooking along with my parents, who were helping them. Raven was on the couch watching TV while Rick and Emily were kissing each other on the lips every now and then.

Everyone's attention was aimed at me as a loud growl was heard from upstairs. Emily started laughing before everyone else went about their normal business.

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