Chapter 24 'A small surprise'

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Chapter 24 'A small surprise'

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I woke up to a cold sweat. I felt like I had just had a nightmare. I heard something happening outside my window as I lay alone in Blake's room.

I got up out of bed and walked over towards the window. My eyes widened in horror at what I was witnessing.

The war had started while I was passed out.

Millions of different mythical creatures on different sides were fighting. I was going to teleport myself to the middle of the battlefield, but I felt something funny inside of me.

I yelled no as I saw wolves lying on the ground, not moving at all. So many emotions ran threw my eyes.

I heard the front door hit the ground, meaning someone was in my home. My mother screamed while I heard my dad yelling.

I rushed downstairs to see a wolf break through the glass as my dad was shooting at it. I screamed as I saw my cousin, my mother, and aunt all on the floor, unmoving from their spots.

I started crying as my dad stepped into the only view I had of them, but that memory would be forever in my head, there was no way to get rid of it.

'Dear child, you're running out of time, hurry!' a voice rushed. My father didn't seem to hear the voice, but he was staring outside at the fight that was going on.

I pulled my dad outside with me, suddenly feeling as if someone was watching me. I knew that a lot of people would be watching me, but this felt really weird. It felt like someone was watching me from the shadows, waiting for their moment to strike.

"Dad hurry up we have to save everyone else," I stated. My dad pulled me back, his eyes blood red. He seemed furious, even angry at me, but I had done nothing to him.

"No one can be saved! Everyone is dying and it's because you were passed out so long that you missed practically the whole war and you don't have your powers!" my father yelled in my face.

I stood speechless in front of him, is that why I couldn't leave my room without running? None of that can be true, I can't just wake up and not have them. What about Blake, he must be alive, I never felt the bond between us falter.

I felt my dad push my arm as I heard a blood curling scream pass me. I looked towards my dad to see that a demon was on him. I pointed my hands toward the demon and tried to burn her alive.

It was too late, my father was already dead as the blood dripped from her mouth. In that second, I realized how right my father was, I couldn't use any spells. My powers were completely gone.

The demon screamed and started to attack me. It scratched my arms and practically tore open my skin. I screamed, but that did me no good. I was losing so much blood that it was pointless to start fighting back.

I saw her about to strike my face as I closed my face, waiting for the pain to come. Instead I felt all the weight from her, off of me. My eyes shot open as I saw someone in a cloak put the demon on fire.

They had a long staff with a blue crystal ball on the top. The staff looked like it was carved from an old ancient tree. You could easily tell by the complicated designs on it.

The person smirked at me before the staff turned into a cane. The person hunched over and didn't look like the person I just saw fighting a demon.

"Consider this training young one," the man spoke. He didn't sound young, but I couldn't see his face either, it was hidden under the hood of the cloak.

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