chapter 14- my writing got better

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TW: blood, implying s/h

Harry POV
I'm not exactly sure what I did still.

Walking down the hall, I see other students whispering and looking at me just like first year.

It wasn't the end of the year, so I know nothing important happened. Maybe I hurt someone? I would really hope not.

Mcgonnagall emerges from her classroom office, and she stops in her tracks, looking crestfallen, but relieved at the same time.

Finally, a little first year and his friend come up to me and tug me on my robes.

"Hi Harry, are you okay? We're glad to see you again!" He says to me.

Now I'm even more confused. What even happened? Did I get rid of Voldemort? What happened?

"Er- yeah. I'm fine, thanks for asking?" I say back, hoping that was the right response.

The younger one seemed satisfied with my answer, so I start to find my way back to the common room.

"Hiya Harry! Hope you're doing well." Peeves yells, looking up from the mud he was spreading on the staircase.

I just brushed past, not asking any questions. I'm sure everyone will tell me what's happened.

Reaching the Fat Lady, I realize I do not know the password. Whoops. I look around, and see that same little first year, I guess he was following me around. He looks to be a Gryffindor, as I see.

"Need some help?" He asks, and before I can even say yes, he says "Maple Leaves" and the portrait swings open.

We crawl through the hole, and I see only a few people here.

"Oh welcome back Harry!" Padma says to me, hugging me and burying her head into my shoulder.

"Uh- yeah it's nice to see you too Padma... Wh-" I start but then I gets cut off by a very loud "Harry!"

I turn to see Fred, jumping down the staircase, looking the same as I had found him when I woke up in the hospital wing.

I go to him, and he can obviously see the perplexed look on my face.

"Come up, ill tell you." He says, reading my mind. He waves off everyone else that came to say hello, and rushes me up.

Reaching his room, we walk in and plop down on the bed. I sit between his legs and rest my head on his abdomen.

"What's this about now?" I ask him, and on his face grows a worried and trauma filled look.

"It's something that happened a few weeks ago. I- we were all really worried. I found you in the bathroom, blood, all over you." He says, almost fearing to say the word blood.

I was astonished. I don't remember this at all. My face grows upset, and Fred can see that.

He tucks some spare hair behind my ear and shushes me. I wasn't saying anything.

"It's not your fault. We are going to find something for you. I don't demand any info right now, but please tell me when you're ready." He murmurs, with a small smile.

I am not really sure when to tell him, I don't even know what to tell him.

so hi y'all i started school and it's been so hectic but i'm getting back in the swing of things! i wrote this in math class



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