Chapter 3

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"ginny be honest with yourself. harry has never expressed a liking for you, and i'm not sure that he will." hermione tried to reason with ginny that christmas eve night.

"oh please. i'm a weasley; fiery personality and hair." ginny protested. she had just found harry and fred having a "moment", although neither of them knew it was a moment.

"don't just say that. sure i used to be attracted to ron, but now that i've met pansy, she might have changed my sexuality, so that could be what's happening to harry." hermione told her, pink tinting her cheeks at the mention of a certain slytherin.

"ugh. whatever. i have a plan for tomorrow, good night hermione." ginny promptly stated with a wicked grin on her face.

hermione had a bad feeling about that.


" 'ARRY! 'ARRY! ITS CHRISTMAS!!" ron squealed as he started to step on harry's ribcage in attempt to wake harry up.

"OUCH RON! gerroff me.." harry shouted, having pain from the rib trampling.

"HARRY THERES PRESENTS!!!" ron continued, not seeming to hear what harry said to him.

"okay okay i'm up." harry started to open his gifts- a quidditch handbook from hermione, a set of candies and a plushy snitch from ron, a bottled berry with leaves on it from ginny?- the usual sweater and fudge from molly, a rock cake and a tiny whittled broom from hagrid, and finally an assortment of tricks from the twins' growing company. but fred had signed his name a little bigger and bolder with stars all around it, and harry wondered why.

"AWESOME! exploding snaps harry?! thanks!!" ron squealed once again, almost bursting harry's eardrums.

"hey uh ron? no problem- also can i see your gift from the twins? thanks" harry said without even glancing at ron, who was tugging on his weasley sweater which was a mustard yellow with a big maroon "R" on it.

harry looked at the signed name. just regular fred and george. oh well, harry thought, just a coincidence.

harry went back to his presents, to notice a note on ginnys present; it said,

"Dear harry. happy christmas!!!! please hang this on a doorway or any high place!

lots of love,

harry cringed at the words "lots of love, for he had barely any feelings for ginny. he then looked at the berry and leaves, which looked very alike a muggle mistletoe, but much different colors and shapes.

harry did as the note said, and hung it on him and ron's doorway.

he looked around but didn't see ron, he must've gone down when he was reading the note. oh well.

he turned back to the door and saw ginny there, with a bright smile on her face. she looked up at the present from her, and harry suddenly felt a wave of lightness pass over him.

ginny said, "hello harry. how are you today?" she had the most fake smile on her face, but harry didn't notice. what he did notice, was the fact that ginny was so pretty. harry hasn't noticed it before!

he was busy staring at her, when fred rounded the corner.

"hey guys! happy ch-" he found harry and ginny like this and his face got angry.


"ummm" ginny said , then ran off, cursing fred under her breath.

fred sighed and walked over to harry, waving his wand and doing the countercurse.

"oh wow, that was so not me." harry stayed quietly, as for fred was right there with a smug look on his face. harry's whole face went very red.

"that's okay. hey mum wants us to head down, breakfast is starting soon and you don't wanna miss it." fred murmured, looking off into the distance, at nothing at all.

"okay um, see you down there."

as harry and fred went down, their hands brushed together a few times.

this made fred feel wonderful.


667 words

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LMAO jk it's not good, but hopefully you think it is! catch y'all on the flippitty floop.

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