chapter 16

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hi all!! you're probably growing tired of my updating schedule but that's ok

i just wanted to say merry christmas, happy hanukkah, happy new years and everything in between!! i've been cooking up some brainstorms for this book, and i love just all the endings and i can't decide. i may just do all of them, but that's a long way away. this book is far from over :D

anyways, enjoy this chapter!!


"Harry, we have to go tell professor."

"Wait, what? Why?" I say back to him, not understanding what he just said.

"Tom Riddle...! You know, the mind effects and shit?? That stuff." Fred says to me, expecting me to remember immediately.

"Oh. Right. I try to forget that." I say with a frown. Fred starts to pace around, and he finally comes to a conclusion.

"Yes. Like I said, we need Professor Mcgonagall!" He says, with an urgent tone in his voice. I don't blame him, this seems serious.

Thinking about it, I then have a response for him.

"Okay, fine. We can go tell her, but please don't let this turn into a butterfly effect where I eventually die. Or you." I tell him with a warning voice.

"Oh don't worry, you aren't going to die. Not with me near you."



Harry, George, Ron, Hermione and I are all running through the corridors, the way to Professor Mcgonagall's office.

If this is what I think it is, this is not good. At all. Harry, or someone is in complete and total danger, and I really hope we can do something about it.

We reach her office and we burst through the door, searching for her.

She sits at her desk, looking tired, perplexed and surprised at the same time.

"What are you lot doing here right now? And why are you in such a rush? What is wrong?" She asks us, the patented stern tone in her voice.

"We've discovered something that you'd be very interested to head Professor." Hermione states quickly, still catching her breath.

"Well, what is it?" She pipes again.

"Harry, go on, tell her." I say to Harry, giving a rub on the back of reassurance and confidence.

"Well Professor.."


"Oh dear."

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