chapter 15

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Well. Fred really does deserve to know but honestly, there's just one thing. I don't even know why.

You see, it just came over me one day, kind of like that one day when I was twelve. The voices, the sudden urge to do something that I know I shoudlnt. But my brain just needed it.

Pondering wether or not I should tell him, someone familiar walks into the room.

"Hiya Harry!" A similar, yet distinguishable face says.

"Hi George" I say meekly back, almost knowing what he's going to ask.

"So Harry, wanna talk.. or something?" He says, despite him seeing my shoulders slump and turn away from him.

He walks towards me, and plops himself down on my bed. He pauses, but then puts his hand on my back, as if he wanted to console me in a way.

I feel a kind of warmth, not like I do with Fred, but it's similar. Maybe cause they're twins. But he doesn't even have to say anything for me to start running my mouth.

"I don't know. It's something I couldn't control, and I just.. Something told me to. A familiar something." I spill out, not even sure where it came from.

George had a skeptical look on his face.

"Well.. Have you told Fred that?" He asks me.

With no response from me, he assumes the correct answer.

"I really think you should. I know that you and I are close, which means you and Fred are closer. But it's up to you, that's my advice." George says, getting up and hurrying out of the room.

Probably off to go tell Fred what I had just said to him.


Minutes later, Fred comes in.

I knew it, that little idiot.

Sitting on the same spot that George sat in, he just puts one of his large hands over mine and puts the other on my knee.

"Well, George told me. I think it's great he told me, because i'm not sure you would've! Heh.." He whispers to me, being cautious of my fragility.

"Well.. uh. I mean I guess I can explain what happened in the time" I said to him.

He nodded, cuing me to begin.

"So.. I was minding my own business, washing my hands, and I suddenly hear a voice. It's smooth, and then I feel a sudden chill cover my body. My hand is being forced to break the mirror, and then I pick up a shard of glass, and as soon as I know it, I'm in the hospital wing." I explain rapidly to him.

He sits there, the same, weird face that George had on himself. I'm having deja vu.

"Harry... Are you sure that's exactly what happened?" He questions, his voice turning up in the slightest.

I nod.

"Harry.. You know what this may mean?" I shake my head. "This exact thing happened in your second year. But with Ginny. She told us everything that happened, and it matches you perfectly. How many times has this happened?"

"That's the first time.." I respond, understanding what's happening.

"Harry, we need to go tell Professor."

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