Chapter 10-angst

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TW: mentions of self harm


i like harry. so much. it's just been here and there for us, you know?

it's been a month and a half since we snuggled on the couch (aka happiest time of my life) and we have been dodging each other since.

anyway it's close to halloween, and i have recently heard of a muggle thing, dressing up? ha. i bet snape could dress up like a bat and nobody would notice. i crack myself up!

but halloween, the thing i love most of all in halloween is the pranks. oh there's so many pranks! just last year, me and george bewitched a pumpkin man to run after filch. it was hilarious!

we need to continue scheming, because we probably don't have a lot of time to come up with a tremendous plan.

me and george are walking to transfiguration, and we pass the golden trio as they're heading to their free period.

"hey guys" mione says as we stop and talk.

"hey, anything new mione?" george asks her, eagerly. oh i forgot to mention, george has a WICKED crush on hermione, he always has. so much for us liking the two of them! meanwhile ron has his eyes for draco, the blond slytherin.

speak of the devil, right as i'm thinking that, draco comes up to us. he stands very close to ron, and ron become redder than his hair. i'm the only one who knows about ron's "little" crush, and we had a silent eye conversation about it.

"hey you guys." draco says with a dull, but smirky face. "hey ron." he says, seperate from the rest of us. i wiggle my eyebrows at ron, trying to be obvious so draco sees me do it.

"hey draco, we have to get to the library to work on our potions." ron mumbles, while draco nods his head.

they walk off, packed together. we all say "awww" collectively, and we see them head off.

me and george sling our arms around mione and harry, walking the other way.

Halloween night

me and george are walking to the feast, coming up with our final plan.

"i gotta piss, i'll meet you in the great hall." i tell george, heading for the bathroom.

i walk in, and i see harry sitting on the floor. a pile of shattered glass.

i rush over and yell "harry? are you alright?"

then he turns to me. i see it. the shard, the cuts, the blood, the tears.

it breaks me to see him like this.

"harry. put it down, get up and walk to me." i say carefully and calmly, not to frighten him.

he does what i say, reluctantly, and i have him in my arms. we walk to the couch in the bathroom, and we sit.

"harry what is going on?" i ask, with sincere worry.

"i feel really overwhelmed. with unbridge, and school, and c-cedric." he says, his body and voice shaking.

"hey, it's okay. come here" i say, pulling him into a hug.

he leans on me and wraps his arms around me

"there's no need for this harry. it's not good."

"i know, i just...."

"i understand. you don't have to tell me, we can go back to the common room." i say, picking him up and walking out towards gryffindor tower.

"what about the feast?" he asks

"i'm fine, you're more important." i say, as i am writing a note with the leviosa spell, and sending it to george in the great hall.

we go to the common room, and we laid the same as before. harry fell asleep immediately, and i kissed his head, put a blanket around us and i slept aswell.


is this true happiness? i really like him. love him maybe.

but no homo, right??

640 words

so guys, my sister had a problem with self harm aswell, and it's not good, so i thought i would express how i felt when i found out, through fred. what you see fred felt, it was almost exactly my feelings. now others reactions may be different. but this was my experience with it.

and for those of you guys experiencing doubt in your lives, just know it gets better. i promise that. you are worthy, you are amazing, and you are incredible. don't let anyone tell you other wise.

completely unrelated, idk if i should do a face reveal, tell me in the comments!!

do you want an age reveal or a face reveal?

luv ya,


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