2: Jeonghan - Lazy at Home

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Jeonghan woke up to your soft hums and bright, blinding sunlight seeping through the window.

He couldn't open his eyes because the ray of sunshine was too bright for his tired eyes that had just awoken from a long night's sleep. Jeonghan didn't want to open his eyes, he just wanted to continue sleeping like this, with the beautiful you holding him like a baby.

Jeonghan let out a lazy groan and wiggled into a comfortable position in your arms, burying his head in the crook of your neck. His soft, warm breaths tickled your skin, making you helplessly giggle.

"When did you wake up?" Jeonghan asked, his voice muffled.

"A bit ago," You replied.

You stared out the window that was right by the bed. The curtains were put off to the side so you were able to see the blue sky, green trees, and crowded streets. Birds were singing on the tree branches that swayed from side to side. There were clouds too, fluffy looking like cotton candy.

"Summer comes to an end after today," You said softly, still looking out the window, running your fingers through the back of his head. "Is there a summer activity you want to do? This might be our last chance to do something out in the sun, under beautiful weather. It'll be getting cold soon."

Jeonghan didn't want to reply because he didn't have anything he wanted to do. Summer sports just made him tired and being out in the sun would only make him sweat.

Since your beloved wasn't replying you nudged him, already knowing that his silence meant that he didn't want to do anything. "There isn't anything you'd like to do? Not even going out to buy some ice cream from the ice cream stand?"

Jeonghan slowly and lazily shook his head, a slight smile on his face. His eyes were still closed. He didn't want to get out of bed. To him, the best plan for the last day of summer was to sleep all day. Staying at home with you in a cool atmosphere was the best way to defeat the summer.

His arms around your body under the white blankets, Jeonghan spoke softly, his morning voice was a bit deeper than his usual voice. "Honey, let's just sleep all day."

You thought for a moment. Over the summer you haven't done much but maybe a chill and relaxing vacation at home with Jeonghan was just what you needed. It didn't need to be anything fancy, Jeonghan being in your life already added enough fanciness.

You gave Jeonghan a sweet peck on his forehead. "Okay then, let's sleep again."

You were pretty sure that you wouldn't be able to sleep again with the sun shining so brightly so you just hummed a sweet lullaby for your boyfriend. He was clinging onto you tightly.

You removed your arms from him once you knew that he was sound asleep. You shifted your body down a little so that you two would be face to face, laying down on your sides. You moved a bit of hair out of his face so that you could admire him, who was a sleeping beauty.

Before you knew it, the sunlight was fading, and you became drowsy. In the end, you could find yourself falling asleep as well. You don't quite remember how though. It just happened while you were busy thinking to yourself, 'I want to be by you forever, Jeonghan.'


The first half of the day was spent sleeping.
When Jeonghan woke up, he immediately smiled. You were sleeping by his side and he couldn't help but stare at your sleeping face. You looked so peaceful, beautiful, and perfect in his eyes.

The sun was now blocked by a fluff of cloud, allowing the sunlight to be dim.

After what seemed like hours of gazing at your face, Jeonghan finally decided to get out of bed. He was feeling fully recharged after looking at you and sleeping for a long time. He washed his face and when he came back into the bedroom, he saw you sitting up, rubbing your eyes.

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