9: Mingyu - Pool Games

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There were soft ripples on the water as you dipped your feet inside your backyard pool.

The pool was filtered and cleaned early this morning because you and your boyfriend had plans to spend the humid summer day in your cool, refreshing pool. To fit this concept, you had changed into a proper swimming outfit.

Your pool was decorated with floating pool noodles, a unicorn floaty, and a donut floaty, all of which were drifting toward the middle of the pool that was an aquamarine color. With the sun shining down so brightly, the pool looked even more beautiful with the reflection of the sunlight mixing with the color was dazzling.

Sitting on the ledge of the swimming pool, you kicked your feet gently, feeling the cold water splash against your legs. You were waiting for Mingyu to bring the rubber ducky floaties.

Feeling the peacefulness of the moment, you closed your eyes while staring up at the warm, blinding sunlight. The sun was so bright that you could see orange light through your closed eyelids.

Just as you let out a soft breath of relaxation, your transient peaceful moment was interrupted by the playful, excited shouts of your boyfriend, who was running through the backdoor holding the bright yellow duck floaty, shirtless.

His shouts startled you, causing you to open your eyes at the occasion. You turned around and before you knew it, you were grinning while watching Mingyu make a twirl while jumping into the cool water. You laughed because of his cute shouting followed by his imperfect twirl. The splash from his dive reached to you, who was resting on the middle of the rectangular pool's perimeter.

“What was that?” You asked while giggled, moving slightly closer to the right where Mingyu made his funny and adorable dive.

Mingyu rose and wiped his face with his hands. You couldn't help but gaze at his broad shoulders and muscular arms as he raised his hand to draw back his hair.

“Shouldn't we have some fun??” Mingyu replied, smiling so genuinely with his puppy eyes sparkling. You always felt weak for those eyes because he was such a bad liar, everything, especially if it was something sincere, would show in his eyes. His eyes would twinkle and you could always see the hearts shooting out of his eyes whenever he looked at you.

You didn't know how you managed to stay with him this long without passing out. Every time his eyes were shimmering with sparks of love, your heartbeat would fire up.

You smiled at Mingyu as he quickly swam his way over to you, jumping out of the water to sit beside you, water trickling down from his shoulders to his prominent abs. Mingyu ran his hand through his hair again and asked, “Should we have a few competitions?”

You tilted your head while staring at him with a smile. “Competitions? Like what?”

“You know,” Mingyu turned to the pool, glancing at the many, unnecessary floaties, pool noodles, and then at the water, then back to you. He smiled and habitually nodded while he spoke. “Just those racing competitions and holding your breath underwater kind of competitions.”

You both stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds before you answered with a confident, “Okay, game on. The loser would receive a water splash slap from the winner!”

Mingyu chuckled. “That's what the punishment would always be whenever I play with my members. I think you hanging around them has left a small aftereffect.”

You laughed and carefully submerged your lower body into the water. The chilling water made your body vibrate with chills.

Mingyu fell back into the pool and quickly, while swimming like a puppy, caught up with you who was swimming toward the duck floaty.

“Okay, choose your fighter, let's race with the floaties first,” Mingyu said. The two of you stopped and as if you two were thinking the same thing, without even saying anything, you threw out rock and he threw out scissors.

You laughed at your boyfriend's unfortunate luck and pushed yourself over to the duck floaty. It was circular and had a hole in the middle, which you thought would be beneficial for the race. Plus, compared to the donut floaty and unicorn one, it was average-sized. The unicorn was was white with pink hair and a golden horn but it was extremely large, meanwhile, the duck floaty was contrastingly small.

You dragged the duck over to the starting area, which was the left side of the pool. Mingyu had chosen the unicorn floaty.

With a count of three initiated by you, the two of you became boat rowers. You pushed your floaty with your feet while helping yourself stay afloat with the floaties ring. Mingyu had to use his arms to row the unicorn floaty across the pool, to the right side, since it did not have a hole like the duck.

It was no doubt that you were the winner. Mingyu could only sigh as you counted down before splashing his face with all of your might. You could tell that Mingyu wanted to just pick you up, get out of the pool, and throw you back in, but he didn't.

The second race was simpler, without floaties, and you knew that Mingyu was a great swimmer so you could only try your best to reach the end of the pool first.

“I'm not going to go easy on you,” Mingyu said, looking determined to win. You felt tempted to just let him win but you didn't want to lose without trying, so you gave the race your all.

When you reached the end of the pool, Mingyu was already waiting for you with an elvish smile.

“I already knew that I'd lose,” You replied, closing your eyes in advance. “Just hurry up with the punishment!”

Mingyu wanted to splash but first, he wanted to stare. Your wet face and hair were somehow sexy in his eyes. Your charms were even more attractive now that he saw this playful side of you again.

You opened one of your eyes to ask why he was taking so long but immediately, once you caught a look at his eyes, you backed away mischievously. Based on the way he was looking at you, you could tell that he wanted a kiss.

“You didn't execute the punishment in time so now, the punishment is invalid!” You said, swimming away while splashing small bits of water at him.

Mingyu snapped out of his daze and started swimming toward you. “Hey! Come on, don't be like that! There was never once a rule like that!”

You giggled and began swimming toward him, who was still trying to get back his chance to splash water at you. While his mouth was distracted talking and his eyes had a bit of sulk, you planted a soft kiss on his wet lips. Your arms traveled from his bare, buff arms, to around his shoulders, your hands patting his wet hair.

Mingyu brought his arms around your waist and you two shared a sweet, romantic, and loving kiss.
You tilted your head as you stared at Mingyu after your lips left each other. Your hand was still caressing the back of his wet head when he said, “One more competition, let's see who holds their breath the longest.”

You smiled at him confidently and nodded. “Deal. The punishment is water splashing.”

“No time limit,” Mingyu added.

At the count of three, you both dove into the water.
Losing track of time, the moment you saw your boyfriend close his eyes, you mischievously and slowly brought your head back up to get some air, trying to trick him.

However, you were quickly caught in the act.
Mingyu got up from under the aquamarine pool water and didn't hesitate to splash you this time, with a straight face. Just one yank from his arm sent tons of water your way.

Mingyu could only smirk as you wiped your face, at a loss for words. Mingyu chuckled upon seeing your reaction and moved lightly through the water to you, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead.

He laughed, feeling somewhat pitiful toward you, who was still frozen over the fact that you got caught trying to cheat and lost. Mingyu just kept laughing while patting your head.

“My members did that too many times that I'm immune to that trick.”

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