1: S.Coups - Backyard Camping

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The delicious smell of grilled meat arose as you cooked them, the scent whirling around the air into Seungcheol's nose.

“Oh, it smells so nice!” Seungcheol said. Your boyfriend was working hard on building a tent. It was currently 6 pm and you were pretty sure that in no time, the sun would be setting.

For the last day of summer, you two had both decided to have a backyard campout. Seungcheol asked you what you wanted to do earlier in the day and you replied with a simple “stay home.”

Seungcheol didn't want summer to end so boringly so he decided that you two should have a bit of fun and camp out in the backyard. At first, you were hesitant because you knew that summer nights could be pretty hot, but Seungcheol informed you that the night was going to be rather chilly, so you agreed.

You had one hand on your hip, your other holding the metal tongs, occasionally flipping the meat. The smoke was rising and you couldn't deny that the smell was delicious. You glanced over at Seungcheol who was still busy putting up the tent.

“Are you hungry?” You called out. Even though you weren't working as hard as Seungcheol was, you could feel the warmth of the sun and grill burning up your body. “Take a break for a moment, you should have the meat when it's fresh off the grill. I'll go grab some ice and cola.”

Fanning himself with his hat, Seungcheol walked over to the grill to take over the cooking. He grabbed two plates from the nearby table you set up, stacked with plates, utensils, and cups, along with a bowl. You went inside and searched through the fridge for some cold cola, also taking out some ice from the freezer.

After preparing the drinks, you went back outside through the back door. Seungcheol was sitting in one of the two dark green camping chairs. He was already recharging himself with some tender meat.

You gave him the cola and sat on the chair beside him.

“Thanks, baby,” Seungcheol said, gladly accepting the drink that was in a clear glass cup. You watched as he ate the food deliciously. Seeing him eating so deliciously made you happy.

“Should I invite the other guys for food?” You asked out of the blue, resting your arms on the foldable chair. “I think we grilled a lot of meat.”

Seungcheol chuckled and drank the cola before turning to you. “We can give them some meat tomorrow. The meat won't be in super great condition but with the help of a microwave, it'll taste just fine. I don't want them enjoying the stuff as much as we do right now.”

You laughed at your boyfriend's response. Just as you were about to ask about helping the building process of the tent, Seungcheol stood up and handed you his plate of grilled beef. You were a bit confused, watching as he stood up and walked over to the tent.

“You're getting back on it already?” You asked, staring at his half-full meal. “I think you should eat some more.”

“You should be the one eating! I'll get the tent ready and up so that we can both go inside and cuddle,” Seungcheol flashed you a confident grin and cute wink, making your heart melt. You smiled and picked up the fork on his plate, poking a piece of meat on it.

You stood up and walked over to Seungcheol, squatting down to meet his eyes. He was pinning the tent down to the ground and you could see sweat dripping from the side of his forehead. His arm veins were popping.

You held the fork out to him, smiling. Seungcheol looked up and he couldn't help but smile. You didn't have to feed him while he worked, but you did. He was grateful for that. Seungcheol munched on the meat you gave him as he worked. When he became full, you were somehow able to tell and stopped feeding him.

You helped him finish pinning down the tent and by the time you two finished, all the meat was grilled and the sun had set. After eating dinner, you two sat outside of the tent, staring up at the darkening sky. There were still grey clouds and the sky was more like a midnight blue than black. There weren't any stars yet but you both could see the distant moon.

You two had abandoned the chairs and we're sitting on the grass, leaning against the tent. His head was resting on your shoulder and you pointed up to the sky, at a cloud that sort of looked like two cherries.

“Doesn't that resemble the booty cherries?” You asked, chuckling softly. Seungcheol giggled as the picture came to light in his mind. He didn't even think it looked like cherries until you brought it up.

“It does now that you say that,” Seungcheol said. The wind was a bit cooler now, which was quite refreshing to feel compared to earlier that day. Seungcheol turned his head slightly to get a glimpse of you. “Are you tired already?”

You reached for the flashlight and switched it on. The white light shone against the wall of the house. The flashlight was positioned just perfectly for the two of you to make some shadows with your hands. You made a heart and Seungcheol giggled upon seeing it. He brought his hand to yours and completed your heart.

It was completely dark now so the two of you decided to head into the tent. Seungcheol had begun to complain about bugs.

You both fell onto the floor of the tent, your arms around each other. The blanket padding had made it more comfortable.

“It was fun today even though we didn't do much,” Seungcheol said, already wanting to go to sleep. The flashlight was still on but was covered slightly with the blanket, making the light dimmer.

“You did a good job building the tent,” You said. Your head was resting on top of his arm comfortably. “It's nice and firm.”

Seungcheol smiled, his tone suddenly serious but still maintaining a bit of softness.  “You did a good job feeding me. You're always my biggest support and care for me all the time.”

You smiled. “That's because I love you a lot. You're the most special person to me, Cheol.”

Seungcheol felt his heart warm up with joy. He held you tightly in his arms, patting the back of your head. You reached for the flashlight and flicked it off.

While holding each other in the tent, under the night sky, in the orange tent, you both fell into a deep sleep. With the crickets chirping in the night, under the moonlight, the night turned into dawn, transitioning into September.

The Last Day of Summer With You || SVT IMAGINES SERIESHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin